Liverpool (A) | PL | Post-Match Thread

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This unbalanced **** needs showing the door from the English game, it's not the first time he has done something like this.
Why wouldnt we expect it? They've played that way for years. Quick hoof to a runner and hope for the best.

I know its shit football and not how we play normally but we should have been trying the hoof over
When Klopp realised rhat we were still trying to win the game. He took off Firmino and Elliott and moved Salah into the middle. Nunez is fast and so is Salah. It would have gone against all of Peps principles to have done the same. Bring on Grealish move Kev back into midfield and take off Gundo. Sat back and use our speed merchant up front on the break. Their criwd would have Bern urging them forward. For those 20mins we should have played them at their own game. Just the way I saw it but what do I know. I love the way we play football but just sometimes I wouldlove us to play the occasion.
This actually raises a serious point, which I've raised elsewhere. I'd be very curious to know if the ref has the right to simply tell the people in his earpiece that, no, he's not going over to consult the monitor. They presumably cannot order him to do so. He is the on-pitch match referee.
It would be very controversial, of course. Why would he do such a thing? Well, precisely because of this: he would be well within his rights to say, "I was right up with the game, only a few yards away, I was following it closely, I'm a trained referee at elite level, and I saw no clear and obvious error. You may have seen something playing it several times over in slow motion, but neither I nor the other two helping me out on the pitch saw it. It thus does not come under the heading of what you can legitimately intervene for. So thanks — no monitor. I stand by my decision.”
Both my sons are qualified refs so I know a little bit about the system. One used to officiate at City and utds academy and was coached by Chris Kavanagh. My other lad was affliated to the Cheshire FA and was coached by Anthony Taylor.
To move up through the ranks they are assessed by more senior referees.
In my mind one of the failings of VAR is that they have to tell the on field they've made a mistake which could detrimental to their career. The reason I think Taylor was weak yesterday is that he right on top of situation and he could have just told the VAR he was happy with what he saw. I'm sure that happens all the time.
There was no clear and obvious error and he should have stuck with his decision
This actually raises a serious point, which I've raised elsewhere. I'd be very curious to know if the ref has the right to simply tell the people in his earpiece that, no, he's not going over to consult the monitor. They presumably cannot order him to do so. He is the on-pitch match referee.
It would be very controversial, of course. Why would he do such a thing? Well, precisely because of this: he would be well within his rights to say, "I was right up with the game, only a few yards away, I was following it closely, I'm a trained referee at elite level, and I saw no clear and obvious error. You may have seen something playing it several times over in slow motion, but neither I nor the other two helping me out on the pitch saw it. It thus does not come under the heading of what you can legitimately intervene for. So thanks — no monitor. I stand by my decision.”
Before Var nobody even talks about a minor infringement like that leading to a goal, everything is way too forensically examined, which was always the danger with var.
U havin a laugh,whos won the fuckin leauge the last 2 years,we loose against liverpool an u go after pep,do me a favour
Not disputing Pep wins league titles and I love the guy, but that was a cowardly performance yesterday against a weakened Liverpool side, so the next big game ie; Champions league, Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal let’s see what happens, that’s where my worry comes from.
I almost think this rivalry with that lot & Klopp inciting them with what he says pre game needs Pep to drop the nice guy act, and go nuclear on Klopp, them and all the shitty calls that go their way like he did against Mourinho and Real Madrid in his Barca days. Klopp feeds off Pep's nice guy image & it's about time we stopped playing nice with Liverpool.

They've hacked our scouting database, smashed our buses, treated our travelling fans like shit, list goes on, this treading lightly with them doesn't work.

Rather see us from Pep and our owners drop the nice side of it all & just go back at them.

Slow it down to 0.25 speed, at 1:05, Salah looks to swing his hand on the turn and strike the ball

I’ve watched it back several times now and the ball definitely hits his arm as the trajectory and especially speed of the ball’s movement changes from the initial bounce.

I can’t post video on here but here are two still frames showing the moment of contact.


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