Liverpool FA Cup s/f (N) | Post Match Thread

Steffen's problem is that Ederson is so unique. He doesn't have the same skill set, but unfortunately the team play the same tactics and expect the same keeper performance. He isn't capable of pinging it to the full backs feet and he doesn't have the option of an accurate long ball. No Ederson means a different approach should have been used.
I don't agree with that at all but it's all about opinions, My perspective of it is, We play the same way all the time and that will never ever change and it shouldn't change no matter who plays because this is Pep philosophy and drills this into the players since day one "being brave on the ball". It certainly wouldn't go down well if all of a sudden Steffen starts and decides "Lads Steffen isn't good enough on the ball so we are going route one today".
Steffen problem isn't that Ederson is unique it's actually just plain and simple that Steffen isn't good enough to do the job asked of him, I think we all knew before the game that Steffen shouldn't of been picked for today because he's not capable of producing of what's asked from him. Ederson should have started today, Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Love pep and he is a great manager at league level as his record proves.
He isn’t however an elite manager in the manner of Ferguson of Klopp.
Too many instances of hugely important one off cup games being fucked up either by poor team selection, head scratching tactics, baffling use/non-use of substitutions or a combination of all three.

The true elite managers can get their teams over the line in difficult circumstances and in one off must win games. Often by sheer force of will and personality.

Peps record in these sort of games is pretty woeful.
I almost hope we get knocked out by Real as if we make the final we will be schooled by Klopp again and that doesn’t bear thinking about.

Great manager, super guy, but a long way from elite and we will never ever win the CL with him at the club.
he has the worst ego in the game but he is definitely an elite manager .
Just got back from the match. That was a poor first half by 11 who should have done better. As shown in the 2nd half. You can either blame Pep or the players. But why we were playing like we had our pants full of shite beats me.
Pity we didn’t nick extra time. We could have done that. Easily tbh.

Always proud, but the 1st 45 minutes, huge defensive mistakes and again not finishing our chances simply cost us. Liverpool were better but not by much. And we made them look better. Again.

Onwards to try and win the league and CL. That’ll do me tbh.
Cant blame zaz
We do try and win it until it becomes a lesser priority. If we were walking away with the league or didn't have a CL semi-final coming up, I'm sure we would have put out a stronger team. It's just unfortunate that the SF of the FA cup comes around at a time when we have tired players and bigger priorities.
Completely understand that but I’ve spent 200/300 quid today to take my kids to the game today and again we’ve played a weak team in a semi final once again and thrown a cup he has no intention of trying to win! Be lucky to get 25k there next season if we get there because everyone knows what hes gonna do!
We were sat in 109 and got spat on by Scouse pricks who had infiltrated the block above us. Happened after all their goals.

When we scored they started throwing stuff, one little girl sustained a badly injured arm and had to leave at 3-1.

They’re shameless and the stewards did fuck all despite a lot of Blues remonstrating.
surely not, they're saints aren't they, i blame chelsea fans for throwing those flares on the pitch as well
It really doesn’t make sense to take the FA Cup seriously if we are going to pull the same trick season after season. It isn’t fair on the fans - it would be better to get knocked out in the 3rd round, so we shouldn’t be putting pretty much full strength teams out against weak opposition in the early rounds then emasculating the team in the semi finals. There is a reason why we’ve lost so many semi finals in the FA Cup and it has nothing to do with luck or having an ‘off day’. What today has done however has confirmed a few things we already knew - our forwards don’t really deserve that description and the infill players like Steffen and Zinchenko will never be regulars.
Zinc has his mind on other things and Steffen should go back to being a Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader
are you saying he should have started up front, i was under the impression he was a keeper
He’s a keeper who is clearly unsuitable to play in our system - he’s nowhere near comfortable enough on the ball. He’s obviously under instructions to pass no matter how intense the press is so he can’t really be blamed for following instructions

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