Liverpool fans throwing missiles from South Stand Level 3

If it’s conflating why is it not about Heysel?

And it's been conflated with about another 100 examples of "victimhood" since. To claim it's just a Hillsborough reference is disingenuous.

Last night we heard more examples: yes it's bad that objects were thrown but we were the victims because they started it with Hillsborough chants (self-perpetuating victimhood), or Feed the Scousers chants .... We are the victims because it's poverty shaming us as Liverpool is the only place in England that has been poorly treated (factually incorrect victimhood).

The club do it too: yes coins were thrown, but we are the victims because they started it with Hillsborough sings and vandalism (self-inflicted AND suspiciously convenient victimhood), yes they have won 4/5 but we are the victims because they can spend what they want and we can't compete (just completely bollocks victimhood).

And recently, chants about the late Queen were only because we were victims of the royal family who orchestrated the campaign against us about Hillsborough (paranoid victimhood). IRA chants were because we are the victims of anti-Irish sentiment, being the only city that has a large Irish community (factually incorrect and, really, honestly, desperate-stretch victimhood) .

All these just from that last few weeks. Multiply that over 30 years and you get why people don't buy into that mentality any more, and why it grates. I doubt there are many football fans in England who disagree that Liverpool fans suffer from a victim complex.

They just take these victim positions because it's a way of self-validating their own offensive behaviour.

A read for our visiting Liverpool friends:
I often wonder how much the liverpool echo’s obsession and constant digs at City has helped inflame their hatred of us and the associated abuse.

This is a good and often overlooked point. And not just the Liverpool press, but the national press as well. And not just the local and national press, either, but the actions of Liverpool's owners, Liverpool's current and ex-executives and Liverpool's staff. And not just that, but the synchronisation between all of these.

The constant drip, drip of negativity around City from Liverpool (the club) since we became a threat to them: the letters, the leaks, the hacking, the lies about state-ownership and spending, the bad day for football bollocks, are bad enough, but when they are amplified by a supportive and unquestioning media, it has had a terrible effect on the relationship between the fans. Liverpool fans take it all as gospel: cheats, state-owned, spend anything and causes jealousy, especially when they lose out. City fans see it for what it is and it creates a siege (or if you like our own victim) mentality.

And it's all so unnecessary.

Part of me hopes City entered into this "joint action" initiative on the understanding Liverpool and their "client" press tone down their rhetoric a bit. That would at least explain it. We will see in the next few months if there is any truth in that, I suppose.
Exactly. Thousands of people who come to the game. 100 thousands of people who can come. Millions who could at any one point get a ticket. One fan doesn't represent a fan base. The fan base is represented by the reaction to the one dickhead.
About time LFC fans had the balls and integrity to call their own fans out.
Sadly they replicate the behaviour of local law enforcement as we've seen with the Merseyside police who won't even call their own criminal element out.
I think you might be right, and not really sure what the solution is. Can see the logic behind joint statements, as separate ones would probably only exacerbate the problem, but there needs to be some responsibility taken. The clubs should acknowledge the specific allegations against their own fans, and condemn them accordingly in the statement, rather than lumping everything together.

I have to say I disagree. They kind of tried that, well at least City did.

After the accusations of Hillsborough chants, or rather that always the victim chant is about that (because seemingly anything can be if they decide so), City publicly said they were disappointed at a minority's behaviour and would look into it. They acknowledged it, and took responsibility on the fans' behalf.

All it did is make the other more righteous and both the media and their nutter fans fed off it. And some blues more disappointed and maybe feeling aggrieved.

There might not be anything to acknowledge this time at the City end, but if there was and they did, it would just then feed excuses for the Liverpool behaviour on the night by their nutters, and by some of the media. Likewise, if City issued a condemning statement aimed at Liverpool, or Liverpool acknowledges their own, it could feed resentment among a minority of blues that may be likely to react next time.

They are both trying to calm it down, and stretch it out so it has time to settle. They are also half trusting both fans to look at themselves rather than the others. Which might be their mistake tbf. With Liverpool, almost certainly. But even among blues, as seen with one or two over the top reactions to the statement.

Imo it needs a sharper and more drastic measure, like a temporary pause in away support etc. But that has dangers too of overfeeding it and making it bigger than it currently is, or speeding up where it might slowly be going. Tough one, really. At some point, it has to start fans wanting to de-escalate it.
You are a shithouse and a deluded one.

What do you not understand?

Liverpool hated Utd because they were better than Liverpool.

Liverpool then hated Chelsea because they were better.

They now hate City because City are better.

This hatred is whipped up by, for example, Aldridge; media stooges in prominent positions such as The Express Editor; and Klopp - the PR front for the Liverpool mafia.

Open your eyes, you blinkered buffoon.
I enjoyed your deployment of the term buffoon........... :-)

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