Liverpool fans throwing missiles from South Stand Level 3

that steward in the video of the dipper chucking the pot needs to be identified and asked what the he was doing!
I am at a complete loss to understand why we as a club are issuing a joint statement, it was once again the serial offenders from Liverpool causing the problems. We should do nothing jointly ever with that vermin. I read a comment from one of their lying fans today, in which he stated that he could feel the hate last night and just can’t understand why we despise them so much. How can people be so utterly lacking in self awareness.
I am at a complete loss to understand why we as a club are issuing a joint statement, it was once again the serial offenders from Liverpool causing the problems. We should do nothing jointly ever with that vermin. I read a comment from one of their lying fans today, in which he stated that he could feel the hate last night and just can’t understand why we despise them so much. How can people be so utterly lacking in self awareness.
By coming from liverpool
Well done mate for sending your email. I think that you should write again for an updated position in a few days time and keep us all posted. I suppose the good thing is that they have acknowledged that those horrible feral bastards were at it again
I guess it’s gone beyond replying to little old me with it all having gone public. But I did write again and got a further reply saying this:

“Its far too serious….. It has to be investigated and is already underway. There was a huge breach of our safety operation and we won’t tolerate the behavoir that we saw last night…”

I am not going to write to them again as I’d rather they got on with that investigation. But as majority of fans knew what was likely to happen then why was there “a huge breach” of the safety operation. And when they say they “won’t tolerate the behaviour that we saw” why did they tolerate it last night, as they clearly did by just watching it happen.
They’re animals.
They should be locked up in a cage and never allowed to any other grounds.
Trouble follows them everywhere.
Just when will the media actually wake up to this is one of life’s great mysteries.

Yeah my red mates hate them and always have. Always thought it was to belittle us city fans - as in they’re our real rivals - but totally get it now.
In response to the last paragraph of a post by Gorton-tubster in the locked email thread, the treatment of Liverpool and its people over the years by thatcher, tory governments, police, press, the establishment etc. over hillsborough, and subsequently the general population of this country who have peddled the same old lies, has undoubtedly led to a lot of heartache, hatred and bitterness.

I honestly think a big part of why Liverpool are disliked by large parts of the country is because Liverpool supporters don't want anything to with them and don't want to be like them, as a result of this treatment. The shit Liverpool have taken over the years about Hillsborough and poverty inevitably creates a rift and 'scouse not english' becomes the sentiment. People up and down the country then don't like it and the resentment becomes mutual.

The poor girl getting hit by something last night absolutely shouldn't have happened and was disgraceful. How anyone can think it's acceptable to indiscrimately throw anything into a crowd full of people is beyond me. I hope whoever did it is caught and punished accordingly.

At the same time, the ramping up of the taunting of people over death and poverty is also inexcusable and is obviously designed to hurt and inflame things.

All this 'what about...' shite is pathetic and gets you nowhere. It's partly why I said yesterday that this one-sided view that Liverpool are scum and City are squeaky clean so it's ok to abuse the scousers as much as you like, is wrong, and actually perpetuates more of the bitterness and unsavoury incidents between the clubs. Liverpool, as do any club, including city, have supporters who will cross the line. City have supporters who are happy to ramp things up with the death taunts. Unfortunately, incidents like last night then become horribly inevitable if it's not reigned in.

You will probably all disgaree but the joint statement seems sensible to me. What needs to happen is that both Liverpool and City accept responsibility for their failings. No ifs or buts. Maybe then things might improve.

I will await the usual vermin, ****, rat, fuck off shouts. But if that's the approach you want to take, maybe you're part of the problem.
I doubt there was a single member of this forum who did not envisage trouble from the LFC fans being placed in a tier above ours. It was only a case of what missiles and how many.

Some things are eminently predictable. If you have twenty pints and drive a car there's a good chance you will crash, for example.

If amateurs can see the trouble coming, why can't the club and the police? Naive at best, and that's being generous.
There was an incident outside the ground last night where a gentleman was knocked unconscious and hit his head on the pavement as he went down.
No idea if he is a City or Liverpool fan and I don't care either way but just wondering if anyone knows how the guy is as he looked in a bad way before ambulance and police arrived.
Might have been this guy?

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