Liverpool fans throwing missiles from South Stand Level 3

Come on, comments like this aren't really helpful. We're continually having to remove posts like this, "feral scum", "vile murdering bastards" etc and it all just adds to the toxicity. Let's keep the discussion rational and sensible please.
Do you think the admins on RAWK would take the same view?
Come on, comments like this aren't really helpful. We're continually having to remove posts like this, "feral scum", "vile murdering bastards" etc and it all just adds to the toxicity. Let's keep the discussion rational and sensible please.
To be fair, I get called worse on the politics thread ;-)
In response to the last paragraph of a post by Gorton-tubster in the locked email thread, the treatment of Liverpool and its people over the years by thatcher, tory governments, police, press, the establishment etc. over hillsborough, and subsequently the general population of this country who have peddled the same old lies, has undoubtedly led to a lot of heartache, hatred and bitterness.

I honestly think a big part of why Liverpool are disliked by large parts of the country is because Liverpool supporters don't want anything to with them and don't want to be like them, as a result of this treatment. The shit Liverpool have taken over the years about Hillsborough and poverty inevitably creates a rift and 'scouse not english' becomes the sentiment. People up and down the country then don't like it and the resentment becomes mutual.

The poor girl getting hit by something last night absolutely shouldn't have happened and was disgraceful. How anyone can think it's acceptable to indiscrimately throw anything into a crowd full of people is beyond me. I hope whoever did it is caught and punished accordingly.

At the same time, the ramping up of the taunting of people over death and poverty is also inexcusable and is obviously designed to hurt and inflame things.

All this 'what about...' shite is pathetic and gets you nowhere. It's partly why I said yesterday that this one-sided view that Liverpool are scum and City are squeaky clean so it's ok to abuse the scousers as much as you like, is wrong, and actually perpetuates more of the bitterness and unsavoury incidents between the clubs. Liverpool, as do any club, including city, have supporters who will cross the line. City have supporters who are happy to ramp things up with the death taunts. Unfortunately, incidents like last night then become horribly inevitable if it's not reigned in.

You will probably all disgaree but the joint statement seems sensible to me. What needs to happen is that both Liverpool and City accept responsibility for their failings. No ifs or buts. Maybe then things might improve.

I will await the usual vermin, ****, rat, fuck off shouts. But if that's the approach you want to take, maybe you're part of the problem.

debated about whether to respond to this or not.

the joint statement, in my eyes, is a kick in the teeth to the city fans who were physically assaulted by feral fans who have no care or thought for other human beings. there were families in that crowd with young children just trying to enjoy a game of football. a young girl has walked away from that game with a permanent reminder that she’ll carry for life. the statement should’ve come from city alone condemning the behaviour - LFC are always quick to condemn chants and songs aimed at them. city here have a duty of care to their supporters and should have the right safety protocols in place to prevent these incidents from occurring. personally i would’ve like a statement from the club condemning the behaviour and sending well wishes to the injured fan.

i’ve not seen anything on here to suggest city fans are ‘squeaky clean’ every club has their fair share of balloons but you cannot deny the incidents that get called out by LFC are always ‘this fan said this and this fan said that’ but whenever it’s a LFC fan involved there’s always reports of actual physical violence.

I don’t condone any chants about hillsborough or poverty - but grown men resorting to violence and assaulting children is over the line. And you wonder why rival fans despise you - take a look in the mirror, this is what your fans are like.
the treatment of Liverpool and its people over the years by thatcher, tory governments, police, press, the establishment etc. over hillsborough, and subsequently the general population of this country who have peddled the same old lies, has undoubtedly led to a lot of heartache, hatred and bitterness.
The shit Liverpool have taken over the years about Hillsborough and poverty inevitably creates a rift and 'scouse not english' becomes the sentiment. People up and down the country then don't like it and the resentment becomes mutual.
The poor girl getting hit by something last night absolutely shouldn't have happened and was disgraceful. How anyone can think it's acceptable to indiscrimately throw anything into a crowd full of people is beyond me. I hope whoever did it is caught and punished accordingly.
At the same time, the ramping up of the taunting of people over death and poverty is also inexcusable and is obviously designed to hurt and inflame things.
I will await the usual vermin, ****, rat, fuck off shouts. But if that's the approach you want to take, maybe you're part of the problem.
I have edited bits but nothing substantial
the majority of your post seems to be related to Liverpool being badly treated by a Tory Government, Hillsborough, police and people abusing you verbally over death and poverty
1. Tory Government and Hillsborough :-
can I ask if you are ashamed about Liverpool’s role in slavery or would you (rightly say) that is ludicrous as you can not be blamed for history. If you say that then what has Rishi Sunak (aged 8 when the disaster happened) got to do with it?
apart from that what have the Tory Government done specifically against Liverpool as opposed to other Northern cities such as Manchester,Newcastle,Stoke etc?
2. Police. :-
These police who you so detest - are they the same ones who despite video evidence or even being “at the scene of the crime” couldn’t pick a single person out who attacked Man City’s bus? Specifically what have the Merseyside police got against people from Liverpool that is over and above, for example, GMC Police over Manchester?
3 your concerns over taunting over poverty and death :-
re: poverty - correct, people joke about “feeding a scouser” but most sane people know Manchester is just as poor and it is “banter” (a bit like Liverpool fans singing about Phil Fodens mum)
re: death. ignoring history where Liverpool and sung about Muinch or Istanbul, let’s take today’s sensibilities and agree it shouldn’t happen. what were city singing. At Anfield I heard a lot of “always the victim” (nothing to do with Hillsborough, although there Is a delicious irony in believing this is about Hillsborough - I.e always the victim). What actual “songs or chants about death“ have you heard, because I go every week and genuinely haven’t heard them. But yes, there was a photo of someone writing Hillsborough in the toilet (uncorroborated other than a single photo so - worse case, one person, best case it could have been there before?)

all in all. It seems your concerns are based upon a (terrible) incident that happened 34 years ago and some sort of belief that you have it much worse than other areas of similarity ever since despite no clear evidence. there are too many scousers with huge chips on their shoulder about injustices that are no worse for you than anywhere else
Liverpool are getting these shouts regularly at the moment, by city more than anyone. You can't taunt people about Hillsborough and not expect to receive a reaction. Although that's exactly what people are looking for isn't it?
This is a bit disingenuous too. I've attended a lot of City games, and have genuinely never heard Hillsborough taunts. The only evidence I can find of it is a small minority of fans idiotically singing "The Sun was right, you're murderers" at Anfield earlier this season, which doesn't even make any sense. That song needs fucking off for a variety of reasons, but to suggest Hillsborough chants are widespread at City is simply not true.
The feral cunts are obsessed with throwing things, when they equalised at Wembley in 2016 at Wembley the 1st thing loads felt the need to do was launch coins over the segregation, they seem to have a superiority complex when it comes to support, a complete load of try hards, grown men getting giddy because they think writing some poem on a bed sheet somehow elevates them to super fandom. The fact is every other week at Anfield a fresh 20000+ day trippers infest the infestation, yet the media brainwash the nation into thinking these are “special supporters”, there is fuck all special about some Norwegian **** latching onto a team who were once very successful none of the glory hunting parasites would have done our journey down the leagues, as fanbases we have nothing in common, they hate us because we are taking away titles that they think they have a divine right to, they have the audacity to call City plastic, without an ounce of self awareness
With respect, I don't think the entire country "taunted" Liverpool over Hillsborough. There will always be the occasional idiotic comments, but the vast majority of people were appalled by what happened there and the subsequent cover up.

City fans utterly and totally respected the one-minute silence at Anfield in 2014. (As we did the Munich memorial derby). The thanks we got for it has been listed ad nauseam on this forum.

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