Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

Why the fuck would you bring Aguero into the discussion? He’s had a great season and without his injuries would possibly be close to 40 goals. Us getting beat these last 3 games isn’t on Aguero, not by a long chalk.
Strange, strange people on this forum.

I’m not blaming Aguero mate he’s still great and I love him complete legend. I’m just stating that Pep seems to prefer Jesus in the big games but maybe like you said it was down to not being fit tonight.

I still believe we’re not as clinical as the other elite European clubs - not saying that’s Agueros fault!
I think this season even though we have the highest goals for and least against in the league, has been a lot about missed chances - not hard chances but really easy ones. You can see how incensed Pep is when we miss them. Having said that
We'll leave it there. Anyone who think we ain't winning the league is either clinically insane or a manic depressive.
Well if we did manage to cock it up it would be the most calamitous collapse of all time wouldn't it? I get a feeling the rags will drop unexpected points somewhere and we will win it when not playing for once. About time really.
Fuck me they were like fucking rats deserting a sinking ship.
I wasn't impressed with them either mate...after the effort the lads put in tonight they deserved to be applauded off at full time.
Fair play to everyone who stayed to the least it was easier to get down from SS3 at full time.
Thought we were magnificent 1st half and if that cheating bastard ref wouldn't have robbed us of Sane 's goal we would have we on tonight and probably gone through to semi finals.
Gutted for the lads tonight...100% effort and it was a shame we tired and made a couple of mistakes.
But I have to say I am seriously thinking of not renewing the Champions League cup scheme as it's as bent as fuck.[/

What a superfan you are , well done for staying for the last ten minutes when there wasn’t a cat in hells chance of us scoring 1 let alone 4 goals, I don’t know how this club copes without you tbh , jolly good show old bean well done.
No arguments from me. To go a goal down, withstand the pressure and nick a win due to our comically piss poor defending is impressive. Ref is what I've come to expect so no further comnent necessary.

That being said, I want the ****s out next round, their feral rat fans deserve fuck all in the way of success.
Personally not arsed, the PL is the most important for me. The narrative from people outside of the club is our owners think otherwise, however I've never seen that on record.

The defeat tonight hurts cause it's Liverpool, if it was Madrid or Barca most fans would just move on quickly.

Don't know I would want to beat real or barca, who everyone outside the club?? Everyone says that but who are they Darlington fans , Barnsley fans.
Personally I want City yo do well in all comps, not like some snowflakes on here
He’s great like I said but do you believe he’s the player he was? Pep seems to favour Jesus which completely baffles me.

I know one thing for sure though - if Kane was a city player there’s no way he doesn’t start tonight.

Jesus is the future. Fitness, run of games. He's 21.
Aguero has been awesome, again when he's got fitness - it's always been the same with him. 21 in 25 is world class and everything he's done in the past, we know he's world class. He's top 10. That's enough, we can't have dybala, kane, neymar...aguero is on that level and that'll do for me.
Over 2 legs refs have a minimum 4 key game changing decisions to make and get all 4 wrong in Liverpools favour.

Fairdos. At this level in the competition we have to be clinical and we weren’t. The reffing certainly didn’t help. We have had a fantastic season and this isn’t the end of the world as some see it. Onwards and upwards

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