Liverpool (h) - CL QF post match thread

You mean scored. There is a general misconception that he was personally involved ih the play when we got a penalty. In the season he scored (?) 13 penalties (Lee 1 (pen)), he was only involved in about 4, at least 2 of those being handled after he shot at goal. And that was over 40 years ago! What next - Biully Meredith diving for a penalty as "evidence" that we DO get decisions in our favour?



I don’t understand how we didn’t get a pen when Robertson had two arms around sterling??? 2 arms around him and nothing?
You mean scored. There is a general misconception that he was personally involved ih the play when we got a penalty. In the season he scored (?) 13 penalties (Lee 1 (pen)), he was only involved in about 4, at least 2 of those being handled after he shot at goal. And that was over 40 years ago! What next - Biully Meredith diving for a penalty as "evidence" that we DO get decisions in our favour?


So even then it was bullshit lol
Aguero is great but he’s not the player he was - we really do need a 40 goal a season superstar like the other top European sides all have. Harry Kane would be unbelievable under pep.

Aguero - 21 goals in 25 games. Wtf do you want??
I don't think we could do much more than that. Their goal was like a pin going in the balloon. The other crucial moment was the goal being ruled out. We'd have won it from 2-0.

Liverpool defended a bit desperately and rode their luck. A good side would have dominated possession they couldn't. Please don't let them get Roma in the semi-final.
Yep they were bricking it in that first half and the second goal would have turned up the pressure... instead they get the boost of relief as the second goal is ruled out and Pep is left fuming in the stands. They finally get their first chance in the second half and our players fall all over themselves to stop the inevitable... huge weight off Liverpool shoulders no more panicking at the back from them as we now need to score 5 and our players get more and more desperate.

The ref is just an excuse though right?
People harping on about Mancini would have done this or that are forgetting the "lack of ideas, no plan B" was a weekly gripe for many it was far worse of a problem back then against the top teams... Pep changes things all the time, he's got loads of ideas if you don't see that you know nothing John Snow.

He does however play high risk attacking football than can leave us exposed and left to defend "large spaces" as Pep puts it, which sometimes means our hole half with 3 defenders against 3. If we score our chances early no team keeps pressing high at 3-0 down and we pass them to a standstill if they try because we don't need to score at that point, we are also better in the second half once a game is safe(2-0 is never safe as they say) as the oppositions legs are normally done in the last 30 mins.

No manager gets every call right, no system is perfect, not every playercan be on form or 100% fit when you need them most... I still wouldn't swap our football for defensive Italian style or Mourinho style. It wasn't "our year" this year as them scousers say.

Mancini never got out the group stage, lol.
Disappointing, but when you put it into the context of the season as a whole we are progressing and will be the team to beat again next year, in England anyway. Over two legs though Liverpool are worthy to go through we lost it in the first 30mins last week and it was always going to be hard to recover, yes we didn't get the best of the refereeing again over these two legs and one could argue that 2-0 at Liverpool with their offside goal ruled out and then 2-0 to us going in at half time tonight we would have to have been strong favorites to go through, but frankly we are never going to get honest refereeing and treatment in Europe, until things fundamentally change we are not wanted and collectively European Football want our owners to lose interest and go do something else. At some point either they will give up or our owners will, given our owners I know where my money is and its not on the corrupt fuckers running the game.
I was just wondering how Barca fans post match thread is doing?.
Favs. to win the CL - before tonight. - lol.
Although I myself think Real Madrid will win it again.
I did not think we would pull back the 3 goals - so I am still pissed off about last Saturday - lost the Derby - ffs. - and could have had the PL sewn up. -

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