Liverpool or United - Which fixture is more important?

Keep changing my mind. Head obviously says the QF is more important but in my heart even tho my hatred of the scousers is at an all time high the prospect of humiliating the rags to clinch the title is the kind of scenario I dreamt of as a spotty teenager and now it could actually happen in a few days time and I’ve got a ticket to be there and I can’t describe how excited i am about that even at my age
And a nice little song to sing for years to come, beautiful in every sense
The scousers are like a fly buzzing around your bedroom. It's irritating but it won't do you any harm. You can swat it away and it may come back but if you ignore it, it'll fade into the background or just go away of its own accord. Whereas the rags are like a poisonous snake you find under the bed. Kill it and you'll tell your grandkids the story in years to come.
Liverpool miles more important.[/QUOTE

All the years them twats have give it us would love to see us win the league against them,not just for the current crop of players but people like Ferdinand, Neville, bacon face it would crucify them watching their noisy neighbours winning the league and being applauded off the pitch by their players as the champions of england, so that would be my choice even though I believe we will do both this year.
I thought there were two Liverpool fixtures?

I would take a draw away, so the united fixture for me.
Liverpool for me.

If it’s a choice between wining the derby or getting to the semi finals. The latter is the preferred choice.

Fully expecting Kompany, and De Bruyne or Silva to be rested for the derby but we will still have more than enough to win.
I dont think any of those players will be rested

We MUST beat Liverpool over 2 legs (shut those arrogant istree bastards up)
Honestly, we should rest key players against the rags. It doesn’t matter whether we win the league on Saturday or in 3 or 4 saturdays. The league is over, all that matters now is the champions league.
Oh dear PB, you've just labelled me "not a real Blue"! Ordinarily I wouldn't be that bothered about the CL, but this year we have a real chance to win it and we just happen to be playing the most self entitled, self reverential bunch of clowns in world football in the QF's, with a massive media hype machine behind them. They are also our main obstacle to winning it, and the thought of losing to them sickens me. Don't get me wrong, I badly want the rags to endure the humiliation of watching us win the league with a 19 point margin, right in front of them, but I want to stick a knife into old Bee Gee Teeth's hopes and dreams even more

PB bloody well knows I'm a real Blue and I'm with you on this.

Thankfully, Pep is a Barca fan so he can be a little less emotional about the coming week and take a 70mm approach. The UCL has to take priority; especially as it is our next game and he needs to see what the situation is after that game before finalising his team for Saturday; he might even wait until he sees what happens in the Merseyside derby.

Anyway, this is not a mutually exclusive situation; indeed, we could be coming up to the most glorious week in City's history to date or the most anti-climatic. Either way, it is likely to be one of the most nerve-wracking.

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