Liverpool or United - Which fixture is more important?

It's not even a question. It's so very clearly Liverpool. If we don't beat United, nothing happens, we win the league the week after or any of the other 5 games after that, if we lose against Liverpool were out. Pep won't do this but I'd have no problems with him making 11 changes for the derby if he thought it would be beneficial for the Liverpool games. Winning it against Unitem is a bonus and nothing more.
If the cl tie is close after the first leg, I think we are more likely to win the tie if we beat united with a full strength team than if we lose to united with a weakened team.
Sure, it's no problem to see PEG and the rest of his rags celebrating at the Etihad and gloating about how they'll be champions next year. (Eyeroll)

When you can beat the rags you beat the rags. When you can humiliate the rags you humiliate the rages. And when you can win the league in front of the rags you win the league in front of the rags fer fuck's sake.
And we will do... whilst resting 4 or 5 key players fer fuck’s sake.

We don’t build this lead and then not rest players when the champions league comes around. That’s the entire point of having this lead. It’s an advantage we need to use.
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There's no need to go crazy with the changes IMO. The next three games are all about momentum and we've got the perfect motivation for each one.

I'd start Bernardo, Komps and Jesus at Anfield and Sterling, Stones and Kun for the derby. Other than that I'd keep the team exactly the same.
And we will do... whilst resting 4 or 5 key players fer fuck’s sake.

Our performances this season when we've rested 4 or 5 key players have been poor. Wolves, Bristol City twice, Shakhtar (a), Basel (h), Wigan. Admittedly those games were low key or dead rubbers, and the replacements might raise their game for united. But there's no evidence to believe that we can replace 4 or 5 key players and beat united. They're "key" players for a reason.

Rest Kompany (unless we've hammered Liverpool), rotate one or two, but substantially our strongest team.

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