Agree especially about yaya, gets all the stick yet is the talismanic player who controls matches, transmits a calmness to the team despite intense pressure Liverpool put on city with high pressing game.
I don't think calmness was what was needed. It needed leadership, determination and inspiration. Yaya just isn't half the player he was unfortunately. It wasn't his fault he was played in a position he can't hack but like the other players, he could have put in a shift instead of loping about in the disinterested fashion that's become his trademark this season.
As for Mangala. He did put in a shift. I'll give him that. But sorry, he is an awful defender. And at 24 he is not 'young'. He's reckless, has no positional sense and is beaten way too easily. He is just not good enough. The kind of money we paid for him could have bought us two better defenders already in the league.