Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Dave Ewing's Back 'eader said:
A full week to go and I can smell a dodgy pen! Zab, don't stick yer leg out! Martin, stay on yer feet. Joe, make sure yer get the ball!

Even that can result in a pen after today's showing.
fucking bindipping hubcap knicking candle lighting so ugly theyre frightening spit talking shell suit and ugg boot wearing mersey wading calm down our istree fucking scoucers..

dont you just love em. :)
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Massive, now we can think about this one properly, they may have the most expensive team in the history of football but we have the Anfield Crowd, the greatest crowd in the history of football, passion trumps money

Oh dear.

If they keep this up I'm actually going to prefer Mourinho for the alternate winners category.
The only way they will beat us is with an unjust decision or decisions because of a minority of over excited knobheads baying for blood for 90 mins.
With a strong ref and a professional mentality we will tear their defence a new arsehole.
Bring it on I say....can't wait.
3-0 city ;-)
LFC-Fans said:
superseiyan said:
Rodgers as been very lucky he's had no injuries,not like us.

This again?

I know right? We have been plagued with injuries, mainly to our back four which has resulted in us chopping and changing. Probably why we concede so many.

Also Sturridge has been out, Enrique is out for the season, Gerrard has been out, Agger has, Lucas has constantly on and off.

Don't make ridiculous comments.
Surprised to see you still on here. Thought you'd be banned after your snidey little dig at our wages last night. Perhaps something for the mods to consider.
jimharri said:
LFC-Fans said:
superseiyan said:
This again?

I know right? We have been plagued with injuries, mainly to our back four which has resulted in us chopping and changing. Probably why we concede so many.

Also Sturridge has been out, Enrique is out for the season, Gerrard has been out, Agger has, Lucas has constantly on and off.

Don't make ridiculous comments.
Surprised to see you still on here. Thought you'd be banned after your snidey little dig at our wages last night. Perhaps something for the mods to consider.

oooh pray tell..Missed that one..
samharris said:
jimharri said:
LFC-Fans said:
I know right? We have been plagued with injuries, mainly to our back four which has resulted in us chopping and changing. Probably why we concede so many.

Also Sturridge has been out, Enrique is out for the season, Gerrard has been out, Agger has, Lucas has constantly on and off.

Don't make ridiculous comments.
Surprised to see you still on here. Thought you'd be banned after your snidey little dig at our wages last night. Perhaps something for the mods to consider.

oooh pray tell..Missed that one..
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=297488&start=1340</a>
banging on about empty seats at the Etihad, despite it being yet another sell out.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ester-city</a>

I am beginning to remember why I hated them all through the 80's now.
jimharri said:
samharris said:
jimharri said:
Surprised to see you still on here. Thought you'd be banned after your snidey little dig at our wages last night. Perhaps something for the mods to consider.

oooh pray tell..Missed that one..
<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=297488&start=1340</a>

They come on here in peace but eventually they show themselves for what they are...
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