Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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Begbie said:
ctidcarl said:
Don't know how popular this opinion will be, but if we don't win it I hope Liverpool do for two reasons.

1) It'll piss on the rags chips and put Liverpool one title win behind them
2) Steven Gerrard

Gerrard has been a fantatsic player and a loyal servant to the team he supports.

It's a travesty that P. Neville, David May, Anderson, Chris Smalling etc. have won Premierships when a footballer as talented as Gerrard hasn't.

The only thing that'll spoil it if they win it over us will be the wankfest that ensues
its already started

oh...and gerrard is a tosser of the highest order...on and off the pitch

Gerrard is an asset and would be to any team - he's the one player from the Premiership I would have loved to have had at City for a sustained period of time.

Thing that gets me is Yaya - blessed with all the talent in all the world, yet chooses the games he wants to turn up in.

Have you ever seen Gerrard give anything less than 100% ??
ctidcarl said:
Begbie said:
ctidcarl said:
Don't know how popular this opinion will be, but if we don't win it I hope Liverpool do for two reasons.

1) It'll piss on the rags chips and put Liverpool one title win behind them
2) Steven Gerrard

Gerrard has been a fantatsic player and a loyal servant to the team he supports.

It's a travesty that P. Neville, David May, Anderson, Chris Smalling etc. have won Premierships when a footballer as talented as Gerrard hasn't.

The only thing that'll spoil it if they win it over us will be the wankfest that ensues
its already started

oh...and gerrard is a tosser of the highest order...on and off the pitch

Gerrard is an asset and would be to any team - he's the one player from the Premiership I would have loved to have had at City for a sustained period of time.

Thing that gets me is Yaya - blessed with all the talent in all the world, yet chooses the games he wants to turn up in.

Have you ever seen Gerrard give anything less than 100% ??
yep but he's a tosser
Saw an interesting stat that showed of the 88 goals Liverpool have scored, 53 have been in the first half. They are the top scorers of 1st half goals in the prem.
Conversely, we are the top scorers of 2nd half goals.
If we can keep them out 1st half then we have every chance of beating them.
super_city_si said:
Saw an interesting stat that showed of the 88 goals Liverpool have scored, 53 have been in the first half. They are the top scorers of 1st half goals in the prem.
Conversely, we are the top scorers of 2nd half goals.
If we can keep them out 1st half then we have every chance of beating them.

They go for the jugular from the off. In the game at the Etihad, we went behind and came back, but had they scored a second goal it would have been much harder. The match statistic show what a tight game that was.
Gabriel said:
super_city_si said:
Saw an interesting stat that showed of the 88 goals Liverpool have scored, 53 have been in the first half. They are the top scorers of 1st half goals in the prem.
Conversely, we are the top scorers of 2nd half goals.
If we can keep them out 1st half then we have every chance of beating them.

They go for the jugular from the off. In the game at the Etihad, we went behind and came back, but had they scored a second goal it would have been much harder. The match statistic show what a tight game that was.

I'd like to see the ultimate expression of Pellegrini's pragmatism when we go to Anfield in order to counter this. As it stands, this is a game that we could afford to draw, but not lose. We know Liverpool will come at us from the off, so I'd like to see Garcia and Milner in the starting line-up and see us play a lot more cautiously for the first 30 minutes.
FromPollockToSilva said:
Gabriel said:
super_city_si said:
Saw an interesting stat that showed of the 88 goals Liverpool have scored, 53 have been in the first half. They are the top scorers of 1st half goals in the prem.
Conversely, we are the top scorers of 2nd half goals.
If we can keep them out 1st half then we have every chance of beating them.

They go for the jugular from the off. In the game at the Etihad, we went behind and came back, but had they scored a second goal it would have been much harder. The match statistic show what a tight game that was.

I'd like to see the ultimate expression of Pellegrini's pragmatism when we go to Anfield in order to counter this. As it stands, this is a game that we could afford to draw, but not lose. We know Liverpool will come at us from the off, so I'd like to see Garcia and Milner in the starting line-up and see us play a lot more cautiously for the first 30 minutes.

Could back fire by being too defensive from the start. Dun mind Milner starting but I would bring Garcia in the second half to tighten midfield.

Yaya and fern will be told to be more disciplined. With Milner helping out. Liverpool will be dangerous with all the speed and movement up front but if we defend to our best, they can be nullified. They are not as good as Barca and we handled them adequately until individual mistakes cost us dearly
Matty said:
If Suarez FC win the league it'll be the first time since World Cup 86 where one man has single-handedly carried a side to triumph. Liverpool are absolutely nothing without Suarez, it's also helped that they've played on average 15 games less than City and Chelsea, and that their threadbare squad hasn't really had to deal with that many injuries. If they do go on and win the league we will never hear the end of it, how they "won the league without spending a fortune" which obviously ignores the fortune they have spent during the Premier League era, but when has that stopped their fans......
He was banned for 7 games, yet they still find themselves top. Hardly the sign of a club that are 'absolutely nothing without Suarez'. You seem to be completely dismissing what Sturridge has done, too, and the turnaround in Henderson's form. Infact there is so much arrogance in this post that it fits in rather well with many-a-post in the pages leading up to it. You then go on about how they've played 15 games less than us, so our finish last season, i.e. CL, is to blame for them topping the table?
Another sign of the change in some of our fans' attitude. The irony is that those like myself who don't get all upset about united, and for that reason are seen as less of a city fan and more of a 'rag', are watching more and more of our fans become exactly like united fans have become - all because of one PL title.
Helmet Cole said:
Scouse_Jimi said:
Matty said:
If Suarez FC win the league it'll be the first time since World Cup 86 where one man has single-handedly carried a side to triumph. Liverpool are absolutely nothing without Suarez, it's also helped that they've played on average 15 games less than City and Chelsea, and that their threadbare squad hasn't really had to deal with that many injuries. If they do go on and win the league we will never hear the end of it, how they "won the league without spending a fortune" which obviously ignores the fortune they have spent during the Premier League era, but when has that stopped their fans......

Absolutely nothing without Suarez, yet without him we won 4 out of 5 games. He's a world class player, look what happens when you take Aguero out of your lot...There's relatively few actual world class strikers, take a world class striker out of any team and they'd struggle.

Take some sugar...reduce the bitterness

Good team, good manager. If you win then fair enough, I'll admit that during the mid/late 90's when L'pool were always nearly good enough I rooted for them before the scum, and quite a few of us remember May 96 when we were too stupid to go for goal. Hope we stuff you cunts at home and win all our other games - if not you deserve the title.

This. Rather L'pool than Chelsea or Rags and find it quiet funny to laugh at the Arse crashing every year.
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