Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

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M18CTID said:
Cheadle Blue said:
Carragher has done an article stating liverpool WILL WIN THE LEAGUE

Does he have an account on RAWK? ;)
Does he have an account on Twatter so that I can rip the fucking piss if they don't? (until he undoubtably blocks me and Twatter send me another empty warning anyways)
Scouse_Jimi said:
it's a piece of piss to cherry pick your way through opposition forums selecting the wierdest posts, there's a thread round here somewhere where people are convinced you're going to sign Messi...we've all got deluded and unrealistic fans.

At the start of the season I'd have taken 4th spot - I won't settle for anything less than 3rd now. Liverpool fans don't have a sense of entitlement, far from it...we'd be disappointed but overjoyed if the season ended with us in 3rd. Back into the CL and without having to play in the qualies.

We've got one of the most tactically aware squads and manager - no other team in the league has played as many different systems to us. If we want to keep the ball, we can do that...if we want to play on the counter, we can do it. If we want to slowly break teams down - we can do that. We've got 3 match winners in the team in Gerrard, Sturridge & Suarez and we've got the likes of Sterling & Coutinho who could easily join those 3...There's not been a better time in the last few years to be a Liverpool supporter - sustained success is what we want though, can't be settling for fourth place every year like Arsenal do.

We've got the manager, we've got the bones of a good squad and we should have a bit of financial clout to get players in. Our strategy to sign players will be pretty easy in the Summer - show them some videos of this season and ask them if they want a piece of it, there's relatively few that will say no.

Spot on. I'm as guilty as anyone for cherry picking comments from RAWK but I do tend to acknowledge that they're very much a minority opinion while at the same time recognising we've got utter bellends amongst our support too.
supercity88 said:
Scouse_Jimi said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Got to keep finding the players with a point to prove, which you've done pretty well (Suarez, Sturridge, Coutinho etc.), your only downside is that if you don't win trophies then those who have stepped up will want to go and win those trophies, especially as they're all brought in and not home grown with loyalties in the local vicinity like Gerrard. I suppose if you torment and scare them into staying then they'll hang around in fear.

It's what we do well, buy players with a point to prove and potential and win trophies, good model to follow.

Which players have you bought with a point to prove? I suppose Toure did have being a bench warmer for Barca but who else?

We'll win trophies, need to remember we're right at the begining of quite a big rebuilding job. The fact we're only a year in and we're challenging for the league is a massive achievement. Anfield will be getting expanded and there's a 20k waiting list for season tickets...rammed full every week whilst keeping it's historic roots. On the up - I imagine we'll be having some pretty titanic battles over the next few years, can't wait.

How are you right at the beginning of quite a big rebuilding job? You were right at the beginning of that in the early 90s! You've had one season prior to this one where winning the title was within reach (in the prem era). But you've spent a hell of a lot on established and younger players and had a hell of a lot of different managers attempt to take Liverpool back to the promised land (yawn). Whilst Benitez won trophies, the league was the one that he needed to win... so I would question how you are at the beginning of a rebuild. The rags are... you've been "rebuilding" for decades. Challenging for the league is not a massive achievement either - you've spent a lot. It is a minimum expectation. Previous seasons it hasn't happened and those seasons are failures. If you win it then that will be an incredible achievement but the fact is you should be challenging considering some of the money spent. We've spent a lot, don't get me wrong. We had to. But we have spent money pretty well in the grand scheme of things. You can say that you earned the money to go and buy Downing and Carroll but it doesn't matter where the money comes from, you wasted it all by yourselves. Only now does it look like the right signings have been made... it's been a long time coming. Ramming Anfield full of another 20,000 people will not keep those historic roots. Unless there is a Liverpool candle lit seminar you have to go to before you can enter the stadium. Anfield's been near enough full every time I have gone, and I can tell you now there aren't all that many scousers around, and unless by historic roots you mean "we support Liverpool because they used to win things" then that is a load of nonsense. You're just another club, like all the rest. Even in these years of "failure" you've not been relegated and had to face really grim times down the leagues. The history and soul of a club comes as much with losing games and being relegated as it does with winning. Look at Palace, never won a thing but you cannot call their supporters soulless and the club lacking in history because of it. Even though a lot have come out the woodwork since they were promoted.

Some good points there. To be fair, Jimi is a decent poster though and I don't think he's said too much wrong in that post you've quoted.

My own take on it is that Liverpool, as you say, have under-achieved many times in the Premier League era (I think they've been in a decent battle for the title on more than one previous occasion though), and I guess it's fair to say that this season is a reverse of that pattern in that they've exceeded pretty much everyone's expectations, and that includes the Liverpool fans themselves. If they win the league this season, it will be a fantastic achievement but I don't quite get this huge underdog tag that some are pinning on them though (it's not Fulham or West Brom we're talking about here). I think this has come about because we've become accustomed to them finishing 6th or 7th these past few seasons but the reality is that they perhaps should've been finishing higher than that anyway, certainly not below Everton when you look at the resources at each club.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

Lucas £5m

Enrique £7m

Sakho £15m

Coates £6m
M18CTID said:
Scouse_Jimi said:
it's a piece of piss to cherry pick your way through opposition forums selecting the wierdest posts, there's a thread round here somewhere where people are convinced you're going to sign Messi...we've all got deluded and unrealistic fans.

At the start of the season I'd have taken 4th spot - I won't settle for anything less than 3rd now. Liverpool fans don't have a sense of entitlement, far from it...we'd be disappointed but overjoyed if the season ended with us in 3rd. Back into the CL and without having to play in the qualies.

We've got one of the most tactically aware squads and manager - no other team in the league has played as many different systems to us. If we want to keep the ball, we can do that...if we want to play on the counter, we can do it. If we want to slowly break teams down - we can do that. We've got 3 match winners in the team in Gerrard, Sturridge & Suarez and we've got the likes of Sterling & Coutinho who could easily join those 3...There's not been a better time in the last few years to be a Liverpool supporter - sustained success is what we want though, can't be settling for fourth place every year like Arsenal do.

We've got the manager, we've got the bones of a good squad and we should have a bit of financial clout to get players in. Our strategy to sign players will be pretty easy in the Summer - show them some videos of this season and ask them if they want a piece of it, there's relatively few that will say no.

Spot on. I'm as guilty as anyone for cherry picking comments from RAWK but I do tend to acknowledge that they're very much a minority opinion while at the same time recognising we've got utter bellends amongst our support too.

talking a lot of sense there scouse jimi, if you do win the league he should get manager of the year maybe even if you get close 2nd as not 1 person said you would win the title, forget what Jose saying about Pulis, Rodgers should get it. think overjoyed with 3rd might be a bit strong though, i know you would have taken 4th at the start but being so close ? come on
Matty said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

Lucas £5m

Enrique £7m

Sakho £15m

Coates £6m

Aquilani £17m
br62 said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

And don't forget about Downing 20m, Sakho 18m, Aquilani 17m, Borini 10m, Luis Alberto's one hell of a shoestring!!!!!!!!!!.

Thats not a shoestring, its a super tanker mooring rope..
Rodgers is getting as bad as Maureen with his daily quotes about the Anfield factor and his team,hope we really play them off the park.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story, eh?

Liverpool are challenging on a shoestring and have been since signing Torres for £25m, a British record £8.5m on Stan Collymore or £35m on Andy Carroll.

Mingolet £10m

Johnson - £18m

Henderson - £20m

Suarez £25m

Sturridge £12m

Allen £15m

Coutinho £8.5m

Aspas £14m

Skrtel £6m

Agger £6m

I don't know where you're getting your 'facts' from. Torres was signed for £20m and wasn't even close to being a record fee. Furthermore, that group of players you've listed comes to £134m by your estimations when the accurate figure is actually £120m.

That's besides the point, though. A lot of people seem to be criticising the narrative that Liverpool have had no money and they'd be right to do so if anyone was actually making such claims. I certainly haven't said we've had no money, nor have any of the Liverpool fans I know. I've heard Liverpool fans say we've had a lot less to spend than you and Chelsea, which is 100% factual, but never that we've had nothing to spend.

For what it's worth, I agree about a lot of our spending being absolutely tragic. Andy Carroll for £3m less than Sergio Aguero...
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