Liverpool Thread 2013/14 (continued)

Don't cry for me Luis Suarez,
The truth is you're a cheating bastard,
All through the league games,
Your sad existence,
If you're not biting then you are diving
This has to be the worst set of football wags ever

Sigh said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
mcmanus said:
Me thinks Jabba The Hut Guy is going to become our new Speccy Tubby Blonde Girl at Sunderland. Classic.
Perhaps we should arrange a date between the two of them?

Room for one more? Only one mind.

I always enjoy the kid being used as a pogo stick by yellow fatty. He can go for me.

There're so many things to enjoy on that gif that it makes Internet small place to list them all.
Sigh said:
greasedupdeafguy said:
We'll be having these next season, oily underserving moneybag cheating shite. Fucking hate that they're going to win it. I seriously despise them and Chelsea almost as much as the Mancs. Bastard c*nts...they've just ruined the integrity of the competition, like Chelsea did.

Oh injury? Here's another 400 million quid. Go on buy Adebayor, Jo, Santa Cruz, no no, please also buy Joleon Lescott for 25 million. Fucking c*nts. Fuck off. Oh Aguero's broken his little toe? No Manuel, don't get your moppy hair in a friz, don't worry he's another 50 m for Negredo and Jovetic. Jovetic who? The 25 million quid player whose been wiping Dzeko's arse with his giant nose this season. Fucking c*nts.

I just want to see some sanctions for 1 season on this shite club. Lets see how many of them c*nts are banging on about Toure's and Kompany's undying love for the club whose name they hadn't heard until the wads of cash were flocked in their face and made Manchester fucking City their dream club.


Please kindly fuck off. Don't use the Jamaica beer to peddle your Liverpool hatred.

On reflection I have to say I think Brendan Rodgers has been horribly exposed as an inexperienced manager this season. I can admire his cavalier style of "we'll always score more than you" as it makes for entertaining football, and fair play to Liverpool they have been entertaining to watch over this season, I don't think we could argue that.

However, when the chips were down he was lucky and he failed. Lucky because after they had beaten us, and they were fortunate to do so and had we not been there on the anniversary oft he Hillsborough disaster I think we would have probably got a point, however we were there then and we didn't get a point.

In tHeir next game v Norwich they were lucky, at 2-1 they got a break away goal during a second half in which Norwich pummelled them, even after getting back to 3-2 Norwich had a great chance to equalise and Liverpool were left hanging on.

Against Chelski is where I think Rodgers messed up big time. Chelsea went there to park a bus, two busses if you will, however, why didn't Rodgers just park his own bus or busses and say... I only need a point here, if you don't come after me I ain't going to chase you? Pretty basic mistake to make I think. I reckon every Liverpool fan would has taken. 0-0 that day, they would still have bad their destiny in their own hands. Instead he sent a team out to attack and one that was desperate to score a goal, the rest my friends is History. A rudimentary error and for that reason alone Rodgers should never be Manager of the year.

Next v Palace. Liverpool the first objective surely was to win the game and put the pressure firmly back on us tomorrow night. Instead of that at 3-0 up he tries to go and win the Premiership on the night by scoring as many as he could, look what happened. Another schoolboy error.

We were very lucky this inexperienced gung-ho manager was in charge of Liverpool at his time. I think any other manager in the Premiership would not have made these mistakes.

Manuel Pellegrini is solid and whilst we argue over decisions (as I have done on many occasions) I think he's sound and will set us up well to go out and win tomorrow. Forget getting tons of goals, let's just get behind the boys and support a solid performance and get three points.

Anyway, as we all know and we should not forget we have not won the League yet and we need to remember it isn't over until Sunday. Liverpool will know this, Chelski will know this and they and the whole media army will all be wishing us to lose tomorrow night, so let's stick together!
Fuck me the media are now saying they've overachieved!

Wonder how they would have spun it if we'd fucked up last night.
Prestwich_Blue said:

Have you noticed on this, Jabba the Hutt says something and the guy in the red hat, the two guys either side of him and the guy behind on the right with the beard all seem to turn and bow to him?

Baldy with the red hat thinks he's a shit scouse version of Dynamo, now you see my hat now you don't.......
bammy blue said:
Prestwich_Blue said:

Have you noticed on this, Jabba the Hutt says something and the guy in the red hat, the two guys either side of him and the guy behind on the right with the beard all seem to turn and bow to him?

I think the guy with the glasses gets a finger up the ass from the guy on the right. Soon as he disappears from view he suddenly does a quick prostrate examination!

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