Liverpool Thread 2013/14

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Really impressed with these so far. Nice of them to beat that shower of shite riddled with aids fucktards yesterday too. I know scouse_Jimi has said Coutinho isn't phat and all a dat, but I think he's pretty classy.
Impressed with Liverpool's signings. Top of the league and added two very good defenders and a winger. Their midfield and attack was already pretty strong and now they've improved their defense significantly.
Scouse_Jimi said:
Joycee Banercheck said:
Really impressed with these so far. Nice of them to beat that shower of shite riddled with aids fucktards yesterday too. I know scouse_Jimi has said Coutinho isn't phat and all a dat, but I think he's pretty classy.

He's definitely 'all that' as with most young players, consistency isn't there just yet
I really rate him. He has that glide about him rather than a run. I reckon he'll be pulling strings come the end of the season.
GHoddle said:
Impressed with Liverpool's signings. Top of the league and added two very good defenders and a winger. Their midfield and attack was already pretty strong and now they've improved their defense significantly.

Sakho is a beast, he's going to be pushing Dagger for a starting spot which he needs.

Rodgers always said his favoured formation is 3-5-2, can see us going to this with our CB options now: Sakho, Dagger, Skrtel, Kolo, Ilori...we tried it a couple of times last season towards the end and didn't quite have the right type of CBs for it.

Unsure what to make of Moses, can only assume our main wing targets were unattainable for a respectable price (Yarmolenko & Muniain were two we enquired about) no brainer really, we get a cheap winger and keep our powder dry until January or next Summer.

Hard not to feel positive after the balls up our last Summer window was.

Should be an interesting season for us, hope we can push Arsenal/Spurs for fourth until at least Feb/March - that will show sufficient progress for us.
Excellent bit of business today in nabbing Moses on loan. I thought he did really well last Season for Chelsea and I am suprised Jose hasn't given him a chance. Sakko also seems to be highly rated on Bluemoon.
Scouse_Jimi said:
GHoddle said:
Impressed with Liverpool's signings. Top of the league and added two very good defenders and a winger. Their midfield and attack was already pretty strong and now they've improved their defense significantly.

Sakho is a beast, he's going to be pushing Dagger for a starting spot which he needs.

Rodgers always said his favoured formation is 3-5-2, can see us going to this with our CB options now: Sakho, Dagger, Skrtel, Kolo, Ilori...we tried it a couple of times last season towards the end and didn't quite have the right type of CBs for it.

Unsure what to make of Moses, can only assume our main wing targets were unattainable for a respectable price (Yarmolenko & Muniain were two we enquired about) no brainer really, we get a cheap winger and keep our powder dry until January or next Summer.

Hard not to feel positive after the balls up our last Summer window was.

Should be an interesting season for us, hope we can push Arsenal/Spurs for fourth until at least Feb/March - that will show sufficient progress for us.

Interesting about the 3-5-2, I don't think it suits your players as well as 4-2-3-1 does though. Don't you think Sakho would start with Agger in defense?

I thought Moses looked really good in pre-season with Chelsea, one of their best players imo. We'll see if he continues that form for Liverpool.

Also I hope all three clubs aim higher than 4th spot, imo finishing 4th shouldn't be considered an achievement. I'd love to see a 6 way race for the league, it would make it more exciting than it has been for years. Honestly I don't see much difference in quality among these 6 teams, plus United is extremely overrated imo. It's definitely not a certainty that they finish in the top 4.
GHoddle said:
Interesting about the 3-5-2, I don't think it suits your players as well as 4-2-3-1 does though. Don't you think Sakho would start with Agger in defense?

I thought Moses looked really good in pre-season with Chelsea, one of their best players imo. We'll see if he continues that form for Liverpool.

Also I hope all three clubs aim higher than 4th spot, imo finishing 4th shouldn't be considered an achievement. I'd love to see a 6 way race for the league, it would make it more exciting than it has been for years. Honestly I don't see much difference in quality among these 6 teams, plus United is extremely overrated imo. It's definitely not a certainty that they finish in the top 4.

Maybe not but we now have 4 CBs that could start in the league, add into that Ilori & Wisdom. Rodgers always said it's his favourite so I wouldn't be surprised to see us lining up that way. As for Dagger & Sakho as a partnership, there's many raging debates on our forums as to whether two LCBs can play with each other, I'm of the opinon it doesn't matter...Skrtel did himself no harm on Sunday either, looked very good. Amazing what some competition can do for motivating people!

Totally agree about having more teams pushing for the title but I don't think we're ready for that yet, plus...being a Liverpool fan comes with it's own baggage when saying you're going to have a good season ;-)

The best thing about us this season has been our defensive stability, we've looked solid. Even though we conceded an obscene amount of possession to manure yesterday we only really conceded two shots on goal, both of which were pretty straightforward for Mignolet. Last season we'd have crumbled under that sort of pressure.

Hoping we can get back on the front foot more as we move through the season.
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