Liverpool Thread 2013/14

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I agree they probably meant well but for goodness sake you'd think they'd just learn to leave things like this well enough alone. How many PR disasters do they need to go through? It's like they go looking for it.
Yup PR disasters have become our daily bread since the new owners came in particularly...It's like we've got a marketing office full of people trying too hard to impress and as a result scoring more own goals than Carra did in 17 years...

I see they've deleted the tweet...hopefully the owner of that "out of the box idea" got a bollocking and it won't happen again

Thank fuck the proper football is back this weekend
You simply cannot be right whatever you do and please all persons when something so emotional is attached. If I was Liverpool's pr or whatever people, I could see me coming up with this idea, doing it with all my right reasons, not considering how anyone could possible find offense. But from experience, these things always go badly, because there is simply just too much emotion, to much sentiment, the world grieved on 9/11. I can even imagine now my comments on this post will be/could be misunderstood, I mean no offence to anyone.
There is no way they'll win the league. They are an average team who are a couple of injuries away from seventh place.
Amazing game, going to need heart surgery if we continue like this.

I would have been happy with a draw before kick off, tough place to go if Swansea are on song.

We need to stop switching off in the 2nd half, fucking nearly disaster against these, bit less comfortable than the red mancs and villa.

Sakho had an ok outing, considering he's not trained with the defence for very long and his lack of language skills. Skrtel has gone from forgotten man to man of the moment, solid work. Mignolet was man of the match for me, seems like a massive upgrade on Reina so far. of the league, I'll take that for now, still need to put in many more hours on the training ground.

Oh, and Ashley Williams is a dirty prick
nederblue said:
There is no way they'll win the league. They are an average team who are a couple of injuries away from seventh place.

Agreed. They'll challenge for top 4 but I think they'll probably even fall short of that.
Scouse_Jimi said:
Amazing game, going to need heart surgery if we continue like this.

I would have been happy with a draw before kick off, tough place to go if Swansea are on song.

We need to stop switching off in the 2nd half, fucking nearly disaster against these, bit less comfortable than the red mancs and villa.

Sakho had an ok outing, considering he's not trained with the defence for very long and his lack of language skills. Skrtel has gone from forgotten man to man of the moment, solid work. Mignolet was man of the match for me, seems like a massive upgrade on Reina so far. of the league, I'll take that for now, still need to put in many more hours on the training ground.

Oh, and Ashley Williams is a dirty prick
That wasn't very impressive, especially after going 2-1 up. Swansea weren't just better than you, they outplayed you

City are not playing well at the moment, but it's very rare that we get out-passed and outplayed. This season teams have pressed us and prevented us from opening them up. To date we've not been out-passed in our own half.

Liverpool will have to play a lot lot better if they are going to make the top 4, although it is a very good point for them. Swansea's 2nd half was very impressive. Can they play like that consistently?
Marvin said:
That wasn't very impressive, especially after going 2-1 up. Swansea weren't just better than you, they outplayed you

City are not playing well at the moment, but it's very rare that we get out-passed and outplayed. This season teams have pressed us and prevented us from opening them up. To date we've not been out-passed in our own half.

Liverpool will have to play a lot lot better if they are going to make the top 4, although it is a very good point for them. Swansea's 2nd half was very impressive. Can they play like that consistently?

Who said anything about top 4????

We seem to fall asleep in the 2nd half of the games, conveniently forgetting we basically owned the first half and didn't make enough of our possession. The second half went to shit because our link between midfield and attack went off injured.

Passing and being outpassed doesn't get results (as you lot have proved) it's about goals and points...just in case you hadn't realised.
Scouse_Jimi said:
Marvin said:
That wasn't very impressive, especially after going 2-1 up. Swansea weren't just better than you, they outplayed you

City are not playing well at the moment, but it's very rare that we get out-passed and outplayed. This season teams have pressed us and prevented us from opening them up. To date we've not been out-passed in our own half.

Liverpool will have to play a lot lot better if they are going to make the top 4, although it is a very good point for them. Swansea's 2nd half was very impressive. Can they play like that consistently?

Who said anything about top 4????

We seem to fall asleep in the 2nd half of the games, conveniently forgetting we basically owned the first half and didn't make enough of our possession. The second half went to shit because our link between midfield and attack went off injured.

Passing and being outpassed doesn't get results (as you lot have proved) it's about goals and points...just in case you hadn't realised.
I know that mate. Normally one follows the other. if teams sit back and defend and close City down, they'll usually lose. It's just a question of City getting the first goal. It will come.

Liverpool had already lost control of the game when Coutinho went off - but I've said before he's a really top player

I thought the first half was pretty even, but 2nd half it was one-way traffic.

You don't think you will get top 4? Liverpool fans I know through work think they are going to win the League and all of a sudden can't wait to discuss football and City and Utd's troubles.
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