Liverpool thread 2017/18

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Liverpool are there to be got it and finally this season we showed how simple it is. These past few seasons have been so frustrating, going to Liverpool or letting them come to us and us playing into their hands. This season is the first one where we have finally just shown our dominance.

They are incredibly naive on the ball, lack a winning mentality and the squad is jam packed full of average. Klopp I argue was lucky to have the generation of players he did at Dortmund and now he is showing how poor he is tactically and as a coach. He has failed to address the key problems since the day he walked through the door and gets by with just screaming and shouting on the side of the pitch and providing 'funny' sound bites for the media. Any other team than Liverpool and the media would be crucifying them.

Whilst the players have to accept some blame and he cant be responsible for the sheer lack of concentration and ability that his back 5 possess. It is possible to coach a player, it seems Klopp has one plan and if it doesn't work then he is relying on a single piece of brilliance.

I hope these days continue and Klopp stays as the manager, if they end up with someone like Tuchel then we have a problem.
I agree with much of what you say but would argue that klopp can and must be blamed for the lack of concentration of his back five.
The buck stops with him.
First thing howard kendall and mancini dd when they arrived at City was get the back 5 working as a unit.togther.within a game plan.its not rocket science .
And his and his teams headless chicken approach to being a man down and a goal down at the etihad the other week,imo,raises serious question marks over his managerial ability....even after half time,when klopp had chance to properly address his players,the team came out clueless,not knowing weather to stick or twist....quite pathetic really,and reminded me off pisscan,s shellshocked outfit during the sick swan.

Death threats made to Lovren’s family.
New depths plumbed by those ‘special type of fans’!

Yep as they love telling us "some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that."

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