Liverpool thread 2019/20

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Gathering of the"victims' in work this morning.
"Just play another couple of weeks, it's only a virus" was one, "they can't suspend the league, what about promotion/relegation, it's stupid" and then this whopper....

"So what if a few people have died or going to get sick, this is Liverpool, don't they understand what this title means"

That second sentence is a absolute disgrace and whoever posted it should be totally ashamed of themselves .......................................but as a dipper there is obviously no fucking chance of that .
Just found this specimen on rawk...

I'm seriously going to consider wasting my energy of something else other than football if they decide to null and void the season. It'll just be too much to take. Two football disasters(Heysel & Hillsborough). Beaten to the title 3 times in the cruellest possible ways(Arsenal 89, 2014 and the Gerrard slip & finishing on 97 points but still missing out on the title by a point last season). This would top it off though. Running away with the title with a 25 point lead, only to be denied the chance to win our first title in 30 years by a fucking virus. Fuck off!!!

It interests me that the hive mind of the cult have persuaded themselves that they were victims in both heysel and H'boro.
How the fuck do you put Michael Thomas’ goal, Gerrard’s slip, Heysel, Hillsborough and Coronavirus into the same pot? Fuck me!
How the fuck do you put Michael Thomas’ goal, Gerrard’s slip, Heysel, Hillsborough and Coronavirus into the same pot? Fuck me!
Because simply they are deluded, think they are en-titled (get it) not, the world owes them a living (not a job mind) in their sad little ameoba skulls they have and always will be the downtrodden victims of a society that just doesn't care about them, and you know what I and many others just don't!!
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