Liverpool thread 2019/20

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maybe other posters didn't read as much into it as you.

I read your post exactly as Onholiday(somemightsay)said did Jimbo..!

What are you doing on here really?

I mean, I wouldn't be on ragcafe bigging up City and getting all giddy, fishing for complements for my team 'cos they were about to be gifted the PL title, I'd rather be posting my thoughts to like minded City supporters on, say here for example..!

RAWK... you feel right at home on there, you would definitely feel the love..!

Anyway, where have you been all season Jimbo..? popping up on here at the vinegar strokes of the season, scratching around for favourable comments about your team from City fans who basically detest everything your club stands for, even more so after your club hacked into our IT systems, signed a letter to UEFA wanting us banned, attacked our coach, need I go on..? ..

All classless acts by a classless Club for sure..!

Restarting football as a totally different competition and trying to then justify bolting the 2 together to ensure you are presented with the PL trophy is just embarrassing to be honest..!

You being a Dip.. er Liverpool supporter, you are by association one of the most knowledgable football supporters in the world..

Therefore, being one of the most knowledgable football supporters in the world, you will automatically know, the whole circus surrounding the restart of the PL is one humongous clusterfuck..

Oh finally, don't forget to take this * with you.. you'll definitely be needing it..!
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