Absolutely no problem. You supply the tickets and I'll inadvertently supply the losses. I would go to more games but only recently have I been able to afford tickets and they're like gold dust now. Granted, after 3 losses in a row I took a hiatus becasue, well, they didn't seem to lose when I wasn't there.
Anyway, you each have your own reasons to hate the club/supporters/players/manager and that's grand. I don't hate Man City. Always want to beat ya, naturally, but don't feel awful when we lose. Know very few fans in Ireland but they're all sound. Liverpool and Man Utd fans wreck people's heads over here but it can still be good banter all the same. I did celebrate the Aguerooooooo moment against QPR. Absolutely amazing moment but that's purely because of the shite I'd have to put up with from Utd fans at work. Was blissfully serene for a few months :-)
I will say this though, ignoring the fact that Liverpool are your main rivals for the league, isn't it better that you have rivals? Wasn't the win much better last year because you were pushed to the very end and didn't buckle under the pressure? In 17/18 the league was over by Christmas so winning it was fairly anticlimactic once May rolled around. 100 points was silly good and unthinkable until it happened but didn't you enjoy winning it more last year?