Liverpool thread 2020/21

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Scum ball tony Evans .
There seems to be a new term emerging on rawk. Having now realised they are not the only team with a history, the term 'storied-history' has now been invented. I'm not sure what this means, but to have a storied-history it appears you need to have murder convictions.
I've seen that too. Does my head in such unnecessary mangling of the language! (especially as I did History myself). I know what 'storied' means (as in 'recorded or celebrated in history'). I saw an example of this new phrase a while ago in 'The Guardian', although it was in the context of a piece on theatre. Mind, 'The Guardian' has got form in this area of late.. every sodding article seems to use the newly minted (? American) words 'Uptick' and 'Downtick'. I know language is a mutable, organic thing but, Blimey Charlie, some of this stuff is appalling..!
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For a bunch of self-proclaimed salt of the earth working class socialists, their breathtaking sense of entitlement and their constant references to themselves as some form of ‘football royalty’ are very very Tory. And that’s even before you consider how they came into existence in the first place
They are fucking Tory and wouldn't dare admit it on Merseyside.
I've seen that too. Does my head in such unnecessary mangling of the language! (especially as I did History myself). I know what 'storied' means (as in 'recorded or celebrated in history'). I saw an example of this new phrase a while ago in 'The Guardian', although it was in the context of a piece on theatre. Mind, 'The Guardian' has got form in this area of late.. every sodding article seems to use the newly minted (? American) words 'Uptick' and 'Downtick'. I know language is a mutable, organic thing but, Blimey Charlie, some of this stuff is appalling..!

Watching CNN about the Covid-19 mess in the USA their correspondents are forever using the the terms 'uptick' and 'tick up'. It's taken no time at all for the Grauniad to jump on the latest Americanism bandwagon.
As this is a new thread I'm going to repeat my post from July about how accurate it is to describe them as a cult.
Some of the behaviours associated with cults include:
  • Unquestioned trust in the leadership, who are seen as special individuals with unusual, almost god-like powers. (Klopp, Henderson, "Bobby" Firmino)
  • Exclusivity, where they believe they are somehow superior and set apart from others. ("This Means More", the Liverpool family, the only "pure" club).
  • A persecution complex, where anyone offering criticism, however objective, is seen as "the enemy" and the criticism is seen as an attack on the whole cult. (The Sun, over its reporting of Hillsborough, that Express journo they got sacked for criticising them).
  • Indoctrination, where everyone unquestioningly accepts the "truth", which is their version of reality. ("European royalty")
  • Cognitive dissonance, where they hold illogical and/or ludicrous beliefs. (So when they boo the opposition it's good but when we boo them, we're small time. Their money is "good" whereas ours is "bad").
  • Shunning/exile for those who deviate from the group beliefs. (Any journalist who dares criticise them)
  • Maintaining a common appearance. (Full kit wankers, who are invariably Liverpool fans)
  • Disdain for outsiders, who don't share their beliefs (RAWK on us, Everton or the rags)
  • An unshakeable belief that salvation will come ("Next year is our year")
  • Having special knowledge ("Liverpool fans are the most knowledgeable").
It's a scarily accurate picture of them isn't it?
Just to let you know a couple of things to cause amusement.....

1. You are again mentioned on their thread - one of the workshy linked page 30 from this thread in which you listed their core characteristics

2. The muppet that made that pathetic rambling post is not only an utterly deluded fuckwit - he is also an out and our liar - the evidence is in this post:

" The only City fan I've known was a guy from Manchester who my cousin married. A lovely fella he is too. He would get us tickets for Maine Road when we played them there. A proper old school City fan. No surprise at all that he binned them off when they became ADCFC and his own son is a Liverpool fan."

Utter bollocks

My reading is that over the last 10 years they have developed an increasing inferiority complex - but of course they cannot accept that - therefore their coping mechanism is delusion and outright lies
Just been on BBC sport and they’ve produced a documentary called Liverpool F.C. the 30 year wait. It’s a 90 min documentary and in true BBC style they’ve never done anything like this for any other club. I’ve obviously not watched it so please don’t ask me anything about it.
Just been on BBC sport and they’ve produced a documentary called Liverpool F.C. the 30 year wait. It’s a 90 min documentary and in true BBC style they’ve never done anything like this for any other club. I’ve obviously not watched it so please don’t ask me anything about it.

Did it have any wall pushing in it?
Where’s that from?
It's a document that Paul Tyrrell, who used to be the press officer at City, did when he was Press Oficer at Liverpool. It was when they were owned by Hicks & Gillett and the fans were organising against them. It was typical Tyrrell paranoia, who took the Stalinist view that if you weren't 100% for them, you were 100% against them. Everyone wasa Communist or anarchist. He could never get the idea that fans might actually have an interest in how their clubs were run and had the right to make their voices heard.

I've got a copy that one of that group sent to me, in the days when you could have a sensible and cordial conversation with them. Probably a similar one with my name and a few others on it in the archives at City.

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How can they say teams have no history? City, Chelsea, of course they have history.

That shower never started winning anything till the 1960s anyway

Here is history for them . Name the first team to win a league title at Anfield?

Only one team is original in this city. The other is full of tourists
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