Liverpool Thread - 2021/22

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I agree, I have worked with and still work with scousers. I have found them all to be very decent people without exception. You judge how you find in life imho.
People need to distinguish between Scousers and Liverpool fans. They are not the same thing.
Scousers are sound, Liverpool fans are clowns.
Us winning the Title is the greatest achievement in PL history.

The above is an actual post on rawk.
Fcuking lulz, weird cnuts
We are good, very good, often brilliant. But we're only 6 points ahead at the halfway point. Lot of football yet to play and anything can happen. We've got the experience and pedigree to retain the title and hopefully make a decent fist of the cups.

Those lot, manager, players and cultists their heads are already done in. That a field wrap thing on the Leicester preview beyond parody. Deep inferiority complex, look at where your money goes. Is it our fault your squad has no depth? Or that goofy doesn't rotate?

Have some balls FFS. Look at your own history, how the shankley/paisley teams were bankrolled, how much klopp has spent. Will you play strong teams in the domestic cups? If not why not? Like your players you're bullies. And like all bullies deep down, just cowards.
Main presenter from RedmenTV:

I think we've broken them.

I wouldn’t think it’s over if we was 6 points behind and for exactly the same reasons I don’t think it’s won because we’re 6 clear at the moment.

And if we don’t win it this season I’ll shrug me shoulders. Only thing I care about is finishing above the scum, the rest is a bonus.
If only Shakespeare would have known that he would be out penned by some scruffy Herbert in Liverpool in the pre match rabble rousing speech stakes he would have just dropped his quill and binned off the Henry V Agincourt effort.
There were far better bards in Liverpool, doncha know?

However, that bald Brummy bastard Shakespeare was force-fed groats by the third Earl of Rutland, who made his despicable fortune selling serfs’ kids into prostitution. Faced with a rival in cheat mode, and with fcuk all chance of ever becoming Poet Laureate, the dipper poets resorted in desperation to posting doggerel (or should that be dogshit?) on RAWK.
Struggling with a few things here..

1, the billions pumped in every season? Haven’t we turned a profit so far in 2021 on transfers?

2, we have a bigger squad? We don’t, we’ve 2 keepers on the bench a few times and academy graduates on the bench every single week. Plus a 36 old playing as a favour practically.

2.1, it’s not our fault that their signings aren’t that great. They were at practically full strength last last. So had they all been fit, Oxlaide-Chamberlain, Kieta, Milner, Origi, Firminho, Konate & the left back would have all been on the bench. Plus England international Joe Gomes.. That’s £150m plus of signing on the bench and near £1.5m per week in wages. All internationals or former internationals on huge wages.

3, cheats, I might be wrong but weren’t we exonerated of these crimes? Not only innocent but exposed just how far the G14 were prepared to go to stop us. Falsifying or using falsified evidence.

4, they’d win the league if it wasn’t for our state funded cheating. They’re on course for 82 points with Chelsea and City away yet to play. If they only get 4 points from those fixtures, They’re on course to match Leicester’s 81 points.

5, everyone is world class. No, not at all. Neither full back can defend, their attack is one dimensional(very affective mind). They need three grafters in midfield or they get badly overran and their defence exposed.
Their manager is as one dimensional as their attack. He has one style of play, he runs his players into the ground. They were playing Salah in the 6th game of the CL for fu€ks sake. VVD is a good defender, a good leader but when isolated he’s bog average. That’s why he spent so long in Scotland. He’s a great leader.
Well summed up.
I would just like to add, with regard to cheating, did the dippers not get a paltry fine for hacking into our club e-mails?
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