Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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Everybody else will sing the anthem and have a minutes silence, Liverpool will more than likely invent an excuse for not doing it to avoid disgracing themselves with booing, my money would be on them purposely being late out for kick off, taking the uefa fine for doing so and claiming there's no time to hold the minutes silence. They'll likely ignore it and sing their own cult anthem and get next to no media attention for it.

Those wage list sites just collect rumours which themselves are almost entirely made up and average them out, some might be near the mark, others completely off, we've no idea how much most of them earn. Of the people who actually know, it's in nobodies interests to leak it, unless they're being woefully underpaid and cannot negotiate a new contract. That last website has Foden on 12k a week, less than Cole Palmer.

Liverpool fans love to think they don't pay high wages yet the wage figures in the annual financial reports put them right up there with every other team they claim they cannot and won't match. Funny how numbers work...
Your average RAWK poster should be a great study for anyone learning the behavioural Science.
I am not going to assume if there are demographics outside this for now.
Plain to see they are hurting big time. The constant drivel about State Owned, FFP, brown envelopes etc without a shred of evidence is, in itself evidence of pain.

What caps it all though is the insistence that the best peppercorn team ever assembled has been denied destiny by cheating. City are ruining football by winning the title every season. Yet what they want is for us to disappear on the assumption they would then win it every year. Duplicitous moi ?
So come on Billy big balls shacked up in Mummies loft extension. Come off xhamster and show us in person all your hard gained evidence !!
Oops I promised no demographics !
The City thread on RAWK is a great source of joy :)

2 of my favourite posters on there are these 2 beauts. They've posted 100s and 100s of posts on there.

Liver jred sos.jpg
I'll take this opportunity to say hello to JRed because he clearly is on here all the time.
Just the other day he was slagging off our support for taking 784 or whatever it was to Seville - small club, shit support, all that money but no fans, roads must have been busy, imagine being us etc.

The funny thing JRed is the travelling Kop didn't take that many to Napoli the following night.

The City thread on RAWK is a great source of joy :)

2 of my favourite posters on there are these 2 beauts. They've posted 100s and 100s of posts on there.

View attachment 55498
I'll take this opportunity to say hello to JRed because he clearly is on here all the time.
Just the other day he was slagging off our support for taking 784 or whatever it was to Seville - small club, shit support, all that money but no fans, roads must have been busy, imagine being us etc.

The funny thing JRed is the travelling Kop didn't take that many to Napoli the following night.

View attachment 55500
I expect I’ve been to Anfield more times than that ****.
The City thread on RAWK is a great source of joy :)

2 of my favourite posters on there are these 2 beauts. They've posted 100s and 100s of posts on there.

View attachment 55498
I'll take this opportunity to say hello to JRed because he clearly is on here all the time.
Just the other day he was slagging off our support for taking 784 or whatever it was to Seville - small club, shit support, all that money but no fans, roads must have been busy, imagine being us etc.

The funny thing JRed is the travelling Kop didn't take that many to Napoli the following night.

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Hilarious! At least it’s nothing personal. They have no self awareness when spouting drivel about Newcastle United to when hand wringing about capital punishment in Saudi Arabia. This from the fans directly responsible for 39 deaths. This from the fans of one of the first financially doped clubs when the Moore family put in their cash made from impoverished families being sold unrealistic dreams of getting rich. Liverpool FC themselves poached our Scouting team and hacked our database. I haven’t even mentioned bus wreckers or old men in village fountains as the rap sheet is too long to go into. The none existent moral high ground they create is something to behold.
Yes, that is why I don't really believe he is on 50k a week tbh but unless the other guy comes back with some links I can't find any that say anything other than 50k and that includes an American site that is bang on for the NFL contracts and is highly respected.
Since when did we ever believe anything quoted about the scousers, lying bas****s couldn't lie straight in bed.
The City thread on RAWK is a great source of joy :)

2 of my favourite posters on there are these 2 beauts. They've posted 100s and 100s of posts on there.

View attachment 55498
I'll take this opportunity to say hello to JRed because he clearly is on here all the time.
Just the other day he was slagging off our support for taking 784 or whatever it was to Seville - small club, shit support, all that money but no fans, roads must have been busy, imagine being us etc.

The funny thing JRed is the travelling Kop didn't take that many to Napoli the following night.

View attachment 55500
Thank your for your service, good find, life's to short to be visiting Rawk. :-)
The City thread on RAWK is a great source of joy :)

2 of my favourite posters on there are these 2 beauts. They've posted 100s and 100s of posts on there.

View attachment 55498
I'll take this opportunity to say hello to JRed because he clearly is on here all the time.
Just the other day he was slagging off our support for taking 784 or whatever it was to Seville - small club, shit support, all that money but no fans, roads must have been busy, imagine being us etc.

The funny thing JRed is the travelling Kop didn't take that many to Napoli the following night.

View attachment 55500
The man must be ill or deranged or possibly ill and deranged, he is definitely sick.
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