Liverpool Thread - 2022/23

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FFP is one thing. Clearly it was initially targeting debt, but unsurprisingly the clubs with power argued it into becoming something else, which benefited them instead of attacking them. We saw that quite openly happening.

I'm talking about the types of conspiracy in the post I replied to - that Sky, the FA, referees, are colluding to affect results to keep clubs in red shirts on top.

There's a difference between dodgy shit happening when vested interests and money are challenged, and full on conspiracies involving officials, TV stations etc.

If you bother to read RAWK it's nearly every single post, the theorists aren't an anomaly they are the norm.

The bus chasers on here are far and few between.
It's not showing the tweet. What did it say?
It was a video of Henderson and Gabriel having words (from another angle than what sky showed)... Gabriel rages at whatever was said and it kicks off the handbags between Henderson and Xaka... Ref then goes over to talk to both managers.

Sky come out with a comment afterwards saying the matter has been passed to the FA to investigate...

People are putting 2 & 2 together and coming up with *alleged* racism
So when you watch City you are clueless, or not interested in the other teams tactics or players.
As a football person I do find that difficult to grasp.
I know it is not unusual , a bloke who sits just in front of me never knows the opponents players, or tactics, style of play.
A general knowledge of our opponents makes it more enjoyable for me.
Suppose everyone is different, no right or wrong.
@asahartford1 I'm the same as @chesterbells. Our rivals are Arsenal. I know 2 of their players, no prizes for which ones. I don't know any Chelsea players and Spurs have got Kane and Song.... and some others. Its City and ergh City for me.
Think it's more the fact that it's been referred to FA that has raised interest

Wont be the first time a confrontation involving Arsenal players in particular has been to the FA, Twitter and the Twatterati are doing what they do best here.
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