Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

Probability based on your posting history?
a purely speculative post that I put on about the scousers (who i detest) that an incident like this could galvanise them...dont think that is out of the relms of possibility....

More like the same people on here jsut trying to use anyexcuse to jump on people....kind of sad really (for them)
They love a good claim do these scousers. Let's see if they try to claim money from the FA if they miss out on the title or Champions League. Like the 250,000+ claims for the Champions League chaos they claim they didn't causeScreenshot_20231003_222455_Chrome.jpg
ha ha them twins on ssn warnock claims he was fouled first thats why he lunged at the ball

Well that’s not gonna work cos Rodri was fouled before lunging at Gibbs-White……admittedly with his hands round his neck.
Fuck me, yet again!

Is this bloke for real? Having the Hillsborough disaster being taught in schools and added to the National Curriculum?

''Hey son, how did you get on with your O' Levels?''
''A mixed bag, dad, shit in maths, level 2 in English and geography but top marks on Hilsborough''

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