Liverpool Thread - 2023/24

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1. Point taken. Benefit of the doubt makes me ask if you've ever been ankle tapped in rugby, or similar. When you're flat out it really doesn't take much at all, and if you watch the slow mo you can see that it does actually make his stride completely off balance, but in my mind he definitely chose to go down. I think the tap took his stride out, and he knew the ball was running too far and down he goes.

Not a confidence thing for him, he's in very good scoring form.

2. Cheat?....yes that pen was soft, but it was far, far from the softest given this season, and as you say, we were winning it anyway. And refer to above, we're assuming a blatant, no contact dive which it wasn't (again, I don't think we'll agree there) The barcodes goalie played a stupid game, he won a stupid prize. what always makes it easier in a situation like that (for the ref) is that it's one on one in on goal. Any foul will almost definitely be a pen, regardless of severity.

If your question is, 'why do the players go down so easily?' then that's another thing.

If those incidents happened outside the box would you be ok with it being a foul? I think that's where a lot of division lies. In my mind, players go down lightly because there's no reward for being hero, staying in their feet and getting hacked to peices, but a penalty is often too harsh a punishment.

For the record, I'm not defending diving or going down lightly, it's extremely poor to see and completely against the game ( and I'm well aware our players have done it) - just playing devil's advocate for debate purposes:)
Fair fucks coming on here after last nights theatrics, we all know players will con the ref once in the box but that one was ridiculous. Not that he will give a fuck but he’s gonna get a load of shit on the socials
for this, salahs still getting shit for his dives 3 seasons ago!
Barcodes have imploded and were battered last night so you easily deserved the points but completely overshadowed by Diogo Daley.
7.27 xg for Liverpool,highest in prem history so it sees they were miles better than Newcastle
I think Liverpool have learned from the El Plastico and took on a shoot on sight policy.

Newcastle passing through the press was poor too.
I saw the second pen on here last night and was fuming. Watching the highlights, the first was marginal, the 2nd a piss take. If the ref misses it it's reasonable for var to pick it up. It's cheating in plain sight condoned by the usual mob.

Now would them being denied both penalties have changed the game? In theory it would have brought it to 3-2. However from the stats it does sound like the geordies' keeper fought a rearguard action to keep the dippers at bay. I think the dips would have won anyway but where's sportsmanship to cheat an extra penalty in injury time?

We don't seem to get soft penalties, unless the game's already put to bed, let alone at game changing moments.

Their manager though, that peloton ad isn't gonna make me subscribe, typical psycho acting up. Still, what do you expect from a guy called Norbert?
I’m betting on us, no problem. However, Klopp is considerably less conservative in replacing attackers and pushing hard to the last minute.

I hope “reversion to the mean” occurs, but we’ve been leggy towards the end of games, whereas they’ve had readily available, quality replacements on the bench to deliver, as Jota did last night!

We just don’t have sufficient asthma sufferers.
For the record, I'm not defending diving or going down lightly,
Course you fucking well are.

Rugby ankle tap comparisons, "have you ever", "not the worst" etc etc etc?

Dress it up however you like, you're just another fucking hypocrite and an apologist for cheating.

Saddest thing of all? Your total lack of self-awareness means that you don't even realise.

It's just one of the reasons why you are despised by genuine football fans the length and breadth of the country.
It's probably the worst Liverpool team on paper since Klopp took over imo so the fact they are top at this point is an achievement in it's self and I will try not begrudge them if they do end up winning it, despite how difficult their fans will make that - they will have deserved it.. They have a tough run coming up, it will show what they are made of, they look very shaky at times, poor defensively and Nunez up front, I just can't see them pulling it off this season.
Could be right but I think their depth is a fair degree better than in some of their previous runs assuming they're healthy. And depth seems important given the style Klopp plays. The subs yesterday definitely helped them. That or the inhalers have made a comeback :)
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