Liverpool thread

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When Sterling left QPR everyone accepted that he was trying to better his career. At that time, he had a better chance of 1st team football at QPR and he owed them far more loyalty than he now owes LFC.

Liverpool did well out of him, they got a quality player for a small amount of money, he's performed very well for them and they are now effectively making several hundred % profit on his sale.

He's off to better his career again, it's a step up to the Champions League and competing for the league. Yeah he risks spending more time on the bench, but he's backing himself again.

Presumably LFC will now use this money to prise other 'disloyal' players away from Southampton or Villa. Nobody will mention this of course, the narrative will be, 'good move for all parties'.

The real story here is that LFC had a guaranteed seat at the top table until recently. They are now learning what the rest of the league have had to swallow for years, that outside of that top four is a separate division. The four clubs that are there now may slip out of it occasionally but unless you can keep one of them out for 4-5 seasons in a row you simply cannot bridge the gap.
Well said, shack. Let's not forget the real purpose behind this letter as well:
My immediate 2 cents on Benteke:

- Overpriced--but I think fans these days worry about this. Let the accountants worry about that shit.
- As an armchair coach, not sure he's the type of striker we needed. This for me is what fans should be more worried about than the price.
- We simply by the laws of psychics cannot be any worse in attack than we were last season. it's just not possible.
- Come on, he's better than Andy Carroll and Rickie Lambert. But he's not Suarez. We need to stop thinking of every striker as Suarez.
- Returning to the overpriced thing, he's clearly the striker the team wanted. If that was the case, then might as well pay up and get him in. These transfer sagas are no good. Villa had a price, they didn't HAVE TO sell, so we were always going to have to pay up. if he's the player we wanted, we needed to get in and get it done.

Obviously I hope the signing works out.
One more thing, MASSIVE PRESSURE on Rodgers to deliver. He's been backed, and unlike previous seasons it seems everything he's asked for he's been given. I'm pleasantly surprised by the (relative) lack of haggling by our transfer committee this season in fairness.
Basically after QPR's cut and Sterling's loyalty bonus, Liverpool have spent all of the Sterling money on Benteke. Amazing.
Benteke is a baffling signing imo, for Liverpool. He'd make more sense with Louis Long Balls, but with Rodgers it just doesn't make sense. Benteke is pretty much a better version of Andy Carroll, you're only going to get the best out of him by putting the ball in the air and letting him attack it, he's not up to a whole lot on the deck (more than Carroll, but still not up to much). I can't see Brenton playing to his strengths, but that has never stopped him before I guess
My immediate 2 cents on Benteke:

- Overpriced--but I think fans these days worry about this. Let the accountants worry about that shit.
- As an armchair coach, not sure he's the type of striker we needed. This for me is what fans should be more worried about than the price.
- We simply by the laws of psychics cannot be any worse in attack than we were last season. it's just not possible.
- Come on, he's better than Andy Carroll and Rickie Lambert. But he's not Suarez. We need to stop thinking of every striker as Suarez.
- Returning to the overpriced thing, he's clearly the striker the team wanted. If that was the case, then might as well pay up and get him in. These transfer sagas are no good. Villa had a price, they didn't HAVE TO sell, so we were always going to have to pay up. if he's the player we wanted, we needed to get in and get it done.

Obviously I hope the signing works out.
Yep, Benteke is definite upgrade on Lambert, though thats not saying much but he is decent and on his day he is handful. Overpriced thats for sure, and if Liverpool can get Sturridge back to fitness then Benteke brings more depth in that department. Big IF though.

For £32.5M a bit underwhelming signing, though. Also doesn't Rodgers like passing game? Benteke in that sense seems strange also.
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