Liverpool V City post match discussion.

adrianr said:
Just want to know why we've gone from having the best defence in the league to something resembling a Swiss cheese. And that's WITH Kompany!

coz Jo can't sort his left side out
Think it's clear that the team's still getting used to 3 at the back. Hence why we've gone from hardly letting any in to 4 in 2 games.

We'll always score goals but we've had a strong defence so kept it tight at the back.

I personally think Kolo should be nowhere near the first squad, every time he got the ball he looked shaky, and seemed to put unnecessary pressure on the whole team for no reason. Plus many of the times didn't look around before just lumping the ball up. Several times he had an opportunity to take the ball down and play it out but instead just lumped it up and invited them to attack again.

It's a point gained rather than 2 lost, but Liverpool always seem to get the rub of the green (as well as decisions going their way with the free-kick & Micah pen last year).

Just glad we didn't lose, let's move on, hopefully get a CB in if he's keeping with the 3 at the back who's calm on the ball as Kolo's not fit for the job I'm afraid.
An undeserved point but I'll take it. Ultimately it might not mean much, but 4 points through 2 games looks a lot more comforting than 3.

Now please realize it's no longer preseason and smash QPR next week.
Cheadle Blue said:
danburge82 said:
andrewmswift said:
so the referee should always give the wrong decision? some fuckin standard that is
Until a video ref is brought in, yes, unfortunately, that's what will happen. It's wrong, it's shit, it's what happens when a ref sees things once, at one speed, from one angle, at pitch level and has to make a decision there and then.

I can't fathom how people can't see that refs don't see the replays!

i bet your a ref for an under 8's league arn't you. jesus christ
Stamping a made up miracle worker at the end doesnt make your point any better. It's common sense. Wrong decisions are made. It's shit! But they will be made. That's football unfortunately.

It's absolutely nowt to do with a ref being bent!
Passing wasn't up to scratch in my eyes. Skrtel shouldn't have had a free unchallenged run for that header. Oh well, a point from a poor performance isn't to be sniffed at.

On a side note for the dippers, that sterling doesn't look bad for a 17 year old.
got away with a poor performance, hope Mancini changes us back to our normal formation , just didnt work ,the players looked confused. We should have sold Balotelli while his stock was high, cant stand another season of his half-arsed attitude & please mancini dont play ya ya so deep again we need him further forward.
danburge82 said:
Cheadle Blue said:
danburge82 said:
At full speed, without seeing any replays, did you know it had hit his leg first? People like this make me laugh. That will be a free kick every time as refs don't see the replays...I'll say it again REFS DON'T SEE THE REPLAYS!

at full speed i didn't think it hit his arm at all, so whats your point?
You weren't the ref though, so what you saw means fuck all! Unfortunate as that is!

hand ball means ball to hand? so it wasn't hand ball, normal speed or replays FACT

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