Liverpool Vs City (CC) Post Match Discussion Thread

To be completely frank, and I think the team would never admit it, but chasing the FA or Carling Cups were never truely in our hearts.

Scousers have no European football nor are they fairing in PL (cos they are sh*t and cheat) but because they know this fact, they "attempted" to go all out for the Carling and FA cups and are more determined to win those (they have nothing else to play for!)

Depsite our blues and roberto saying that every competition is important to them, they have the Prem League title well and truely in sight and have been more focused on that this year than anything.

Doubles and Triples will come in the next and forth coming seasons. We have world class players but we are not going to start running before we learn to walk. We've already changed the balance of power of football clubs in Europe as it is and I'm sure owner and chairman are looking as MCFC as a long-term plan (1-2 seasons more) with the developments, academies, focus on young players from all over the world.

A friend of mine said "We're aiming for the main course at a top restaurant .... Liverpool aimed for a McDonalds meal"

Simply put, we blues have bigger plans and the Prem League is key this season as a sign of improvement, just like FA Cup was last year.

We're going to win the big one .... I just know it!
Re: just watched game again

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
salfordblues said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
So-A pass,a tap in and a blocked shock justifies him being in the team at the moment.

We haven't got much choice at the moment.

I think Dzeko is a confidence player. A decent run in the team while Balo's out may mean we see an all new Edin.

I agree mate-no other options but I still believe he may be moved on in the summer pal

He's our second top goal scorer for this year???
BlueRiz said:
To be completely frank, and I think the team would never admit it, but chasing the FA or Carling Cups were never truely in our hearts.

Scousers have no European football nor are they fairing in PL (cos they are sh*t and cheat) but because they know this fact, they "attempted" to go all out for the Carling and FA cups and are more determined to win those (they have nothing else to play for!)

Depsite our blues and roberto saying that every competition is important to them, they have the Prem League title well and truely in sight and have been more focused on that this year than anything.

Doubles and Triples will come in the next and forth coming seasons. We have world class players but we are not going to start running before we learn to walk. We've already changed the balance of power of football clubs in Europe as it is and I'm sure owner and chairman are looking as MCFC as a long-term plan (1-2 seasons more) with the developments, academies, focus on young players from all over the world.

A friend of mine made an metaphor out of it and said "We're aiming for the main course at a top restaurant .... Liverpool aimed for a McDonalds meal"

Simply put, we blues have bigger plans and the Prem League is key this season as a sign of improvement, just like FA Cup was last year.

We're going to win the big one .... I just know it!

Quite right, I don't know why people can't see it, yes it would have been a nice day out and a trophy, but it's such a minor cup nowadays, it would not have bothered me getting knocked out earlier, we could have done with out the 2 extra games, Liverpool are displaying all the attributes of a small club, play out of their skins in big games but lose to the smaller teams, you watch Cardiff will knock them out it's written in the stars I tell thee!
Re: just watched game again

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
salfordblues said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
So-A pass,a tap in and a blocked shock justifies him being in the team at the moment.

We haven't got much choice at the moment.

I think Dzeko is a confidence player. A decent run in the team while Balo's out may mean we see an all new Edin.

I agree mate-no other options but I still believe he may be moved on in the summer pal

Lol - have you done anything except bash Dzeko today?

You are entitled to a wrong opinion.
Jumanji said:
JasminBosnia said:
Jumanji said:
Expand on that please.

Your roots are from Balkan area which is irrelevant on this topic.
False. I am black. My roots are from Manchester. I am only educated.


False, Im not Bosniak. That is exactly what the "Anti Edin brigade" from Balkan say for MCFC or Edin supporters from Balkan and do not forget that there are some black folks with Balkans roots as well. Your "education" is very questionable and insult to ED or MCFC supporters from here. I would say you social with people from Balkan and you think you know who da "Bosniaks" are?

New tactics?
There are few more days left for transfers, we need to swap or sell / buyDžeko/ Kolarov / Savić (btw all of them from balkans, interesting) and perhaps AJ for Cavani / Torres / De Rossi / Hazard because we need players who can adapt to tikki takka or tippy tappy system. ED 15 goals and 7 assists not good for the internet supporters, has no pace, not winning headers, touch of a rapist / an elephant, can not hold the ball/ not chasing the defenders/ aka Carthorse / Donkey/ wank/ samaras / Darius Vassel/ dickov/ crouch/ third division player, you just name it... Sell swap before Jan 31st.

Kolarov? Not worse than Clichy but for some reason he is scapegoat along with Džeko in every match they play. People forgot couple of goals from free kick and few decent crosses from the left (top class cross last night). Better in offensive role so if Mancini ever decide to attack down the flank he would be my first choice on the left side. In that case he need to train crosses from now on. Sell before Jan 31st if tactic remain the same.

Savic? He was brought to be a back up at the end of the matches, not to start in the first eleven at Anfield, or vs Spuds. I think I wrote somewhere that our team need world class defenders along witk VK (Toure and JL are not class) so avoid situations like this. Savic should either go on loan or sell before Jan 31st.

So down the flanks
Clichy or Kolarov VK JL Richards
Nasri/Milner or Yaya/ Barry
Aguero Džeko

or tiki taka
Clichy VK new top class CD Richards
Milner /Yaya/ Barry/
Kun or Cavani Torres or Mario
samharris said:
Merseyside Red said:
the blue panther said:
To win at Liverpool, you've got to be at your best, even when they aren't. No away team has won there this season - I think statto said we haven't won there for 9 years.
You have to overcome them, the atmosphere, and what is usually a 'homer' referree. That's exactly as it was last night. We were poor by our early season high standards, but with that team selection, a victory for us wasn't expected.
It was a bit unfair the way it all happened, but, without Hart's excellence, we would have been well and truly stuffed, so, good luck to them in the final, which I'm sure they will win.
Pity it isn't us. Paid the penalty for selecting a shyte team, and for not winning at home - a 1-1 draw would have been good enough at home, in retrospect.
Wow, someone on here with an unbiased, respective and well written observation on the game. Nice one.
Unbiased as in not mentioning the two shite ref mistakes ??

What the hell? They've lost five times at home in the league this season? Sorry if this has already been pointed out but jeez......
kinky's boots said:
samharris said:
Merseyside Red said:
Wow, someone on here with an unbiased, respective and well written observation on the game. Nice one.
Unbiased as in not mentioning the two shite ref mistakes ??

What the hell? They've lost five times at home in the league this season? Sorry if this has already been pointed out but jeez......

Ooooooooppps..... sorry, I should put the crack pipe down, looking at the away form...! lol.... but they haven't won too many either
Re: Milner

Not sure they 'bottled' it, although they may not have played as well as they could do. Bit of a difference.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Not posted since the game as wanted to let things settle.

Bottom line is I am dissapointed not to be going back to wembley but am hoping this game will be a distant memory in May.....

Referee had a shocker with 2 huge decisions which went against us but we just weren't good enough last night and lost it at our place.

Week links for me a Kolarov-One good ball all night certainly doesn't justify 16 million.
Dzeko-Yet another poor game in my opinion.Only looked interested when we scored.
Lescott-Looking increasingly unsteady for me and his clearance which led to the Bellamy goal was just fucking amateurish.

Savic-Has played very poorly since coming in.Welcome back VK next week.

Wish we could sign another striker and centre half but just isnt going to happen.Why I will never know!

We move on.

Youve spent about a £billion , surely thats enough ;)

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