Looking at your ex....


Well-Known Member
9 Jun 2009
In the King's Head, waiting for the Queen's legs t
I'm sure there's many Bluemooners who have had relationships end for whatever reason, I'm one of them. As i've said before, me and my ex, who I was with for 7 years, have a good post-split relationship, purely for the sake of the kids. It is 4 years this year since we split and in that time she has got married and I am engaged, but just lately I have looked at her and realised that I never actually knew her at all! She signed up to facebook not so long ago and naturally we are friends on it. Her interests are stuff which I never knew anything about, some quite odd things too. Also, all she does is travel the planet too, her honeymoon being something quite fantastic and spreading over 3 continents. She was never ever anything like that when we were together. That is due to different circumstances as obviously we had a young family to focus on, however these days due to us having 50/50 custody of the kids, we have a lot of 'free time', (I hate that tag), so we do things we never got to do when we were together. I look at her though now and don't even recognise her, not in a bad way but just makes you think that maybe if she had been more like she is now, the real her, maybe we wouldn't have felt so trapped in the relationship we were in, (again all due to the pressures of raising a family).

Any of you ever had a similar thing happen? Where you look at an ex you may have kept in contact with and simply don't recognise her/him?

Its quite a weird feeling.
I look at my ex and think, wow, what a hippo you've turned into.

Then I turn and look at my current girlfriend and think she is the most beautiful girl in the world.
Ex for a reason mate.

And she obvously is influenced by her husband to have changed so much. Which is fair enough as he is the love of her life.

Not you. So get over her ;)
People change. My ex was a chameleon anyway and has now changed beyond recognition and her interests match her other half.
When she was with me she was the biggest City fan ever now she doesn't bother.
Haven't spoken to her for about 6 years but we split on good terms.
I split up with a girl about 18 months ago, and moved on to a new one relatively quickly. I had stopped fancying my ex whilst we were still in a relationship, and wound it down until we agreed to split. I hardly ever thought about her, until recently she started seeing a lad whom we both used to work with. He's a right gimp, and she is a bit of a catch, and I have found myself jealous as fuck.

Strange creatures, humans, aren't they?

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