Lost Prophets.

Mayor West said:
Was anyone on here a fan of them? I had never heard of them before this came out, but I'm a huge fan of eminem, and if this had happened to him, it would seriously fuck with my head.

Suppose what I'm trying to say is if you were a fan of them before this, are you still a fan, does him being who he is now change the quality of the music?

Ricster, SquirtyFlower and freestyler will be able to comment(a quick search says they were a fan). Found this also:

tommcfc said:
Gutted if this turns out to be true. Met them at a gig in florida in July, one of my favourite bands a few years ago
The court report is appalling, I only read a small section and feel absolutely horrified at what he has done to an innocent little baby. The baby's mother should have got a similar sentence as 14years is not enough, she is as warped as he is. Wish I didn't read the damn thing now.
Kirkstall Blue said:
The court report is appalling, I only read a small section and feel absolutely horrified at what he has done to an innocent little baby. The baby's mother should have got a similar sentence as 14years is not enough, she is as warped as he is. Wish I didn't read the damn thing now.

There were two mothers, and two babies. In the report P is clearly "worse" (if one can call it that) than B in her depravity but neither will ever be free of their actions and rightfully so.
I never understood true depravity till I read that. The baby girl had her hair forensically tested and was found to have been exposed to meth amphetamine. Now one could argue it got into her system when the mother was pregnant, however when you see the text messages between Watkins and her mother he expressed a clear desire to make a baby take drugs and get hooked on a class A drug. Heartbreaking stuff, I'd do time for them. I'd happily take a pair of pliers and a sledgehammer to them all !!
bobmcfc said:
I never understood true depravity till I read that. The baby girl had her hair forensically tested and was found to have been exposed to meth amphetamine. Now one could argue it got into her system when the mother was pregnant, however when you see the text messages between Watkins and her mother he expressed a clear desire to make a baby take drugs and get hooked on a class A drug. Heartbreaking stuff, I'd do time for them. I'd happily take a pair of pliers and a sledgehammer to them all !!

Why waste your life on a waste of space? If I happened to be in a room with him I would consider putting a bullet in his head, but I wouldn't have any intention of going to prison if I did. Torture is just unnecessary, if you want vengeance you don't do it with sadism involved.
I have read the report and the age of the children is shocking but I have also read reports concerning catholic clergy in Ireland who raped multiple children and found them to be truly horrific insofar as the clergy in question committed acts in one part of the country and were then moved to other parishes and carried on with their abuse.One particular fucker had a penchant for children of either sex once they were under 6 and as far as I can remember he had 4 different parishes after the first report was made.He served less than 8 years and is now in a monestary somewhere secret.Little justice there as far as I'm concerned.
At least watkins got a somewhat fair sentence and won't be released into pastoral care although there are some crimes which should carry whole life tarrifs,his being one of em.imo.
There is a centre in the States where paodophile's are kept indefinitely if the authorities deem them at risk of re-offending.
I know in Ireland we are way too soft on sentencing child abusers and politicians don't like to talk about it when they call to my door.
mcmanus said:
There is fuck all chance I'm reading that sentencing report. The words 'baby rape' are enough for me. I would be physically sick or have nightmares if I did.

It's everyones choice but those that do read it have to realise that he is'nt the worst of them.Without doubt there are sicker and more deranged out there.
Shadz69 said:
mcmanus said:
There is fuck all chance I'm reading that sentencing report. The words 'baby rape' are enough for me. I would be physically sick or have nightmares if I did.

It's everyones choice but those that do read it have to realise that he is'nt the worst of them.Without doubt there are sicker and more deranged out there.

Fuck off. Sounds almost like you are defending him.

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