
Incredible programme. Have to agree, though, that the last few seasons were pretty poor. I remember they changed it to a friday night, for the last season? Not entirely sure. I lost interest at that point, don't think i ever actually finished the last season.
Same thing has been happening with Fringe. First two season were pretty great... it got worse since then. This season and the last the format has changed so much that it appears like it is a completely different concept/show. It's more about time travel/alternative universe than x-files case-to-case type of show.
Markt85 said:
The scene where they find the hatch i felt like jizzing all over my David Beckham poster

There's were loads of those moments weren't there though?

The message on repeat for about 20 years - If anybody can hear this, they are dead.

Smoke monster ripping that pilot apart

The other smashing Jack telling them do not follow us.

Finding theatrical make up in that underground station.

Desmond and the numbers.

Jacob going mental in his hut.

Ben's "If I was an other" speech was a favourite.

The Pope said:
Markt85 said:
The scene where they find the hatch i felt like jizzing all over my David Beckham poster

There's were loads of those moments weren't there though?

The message on repeat for about 20 years - If anybody can hear this, they are dead.

Smoke monster ripping that pilot apart

The other smashing Jack telling them do not follow us.

Finding theatrical make up in that underground station.

Desmond and the numbers.

Jacob going mental in his hut.

Ben's "If I was an other" speech was a favourite.


The trouble with the American shows is they get a cash cow and drag it out unless they come up against some very strong writers and producers, the latests BSG is a shining example they had four seasons and knew how they were going to end it and wouldn't waiver and so the whole series was brilliant. Then you get Lost and Prison break dragged out when they should have ended after in Prison Breaks case after one season or Lost 3 seasons at the most. The trouble with American audiences or the money men, they seem to hate good sci Fi Stargate Universe but pander to shit eg Heroes another series that should not have lasted more than 2 seasons, they milk them and effectively cause their own downfall as they struggle to flesh out any storyline, in Heroes whatever happened to the Irish bird that went into the future?
In regard Lost it was all total bollox at the end, that ending would have been good at the end of season 3 but was crap for the further seasons, loads of unanswered questions which the writers lazily say its up to you to make up your own mind, rubbish it means they didn't know either.
When I first watched the ending of Lost I was a bit let down. When I watched it again, I had a tear in my eye.

Those years of watching that show were brilliant.

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