lucky lucky spurs

I find it funny that Citeh fans can remember some of our luckier moments but neglect to remember some of the awful decisions and bad luck we have encountered in t'North West..

0-0 at OT... Mendes from the halfway line almost in stoppage time, 2 yards over the line, goal not given, we missed out on a UEFA Cup place because of that decision.....

2-0 up at OT and comfortable...... Howard "the twat" Webb gives Manure a pen that never was to gift manure a way back into the game.....

1-0 down at Anfield last season, Defoe scores a perfectly good goal a minute after half time, wrongly ruled out for offside......

Bad luck, good luck does tend to (a) go in cycles (b) even itself out.......

We had a tough away game in Europe last week and had to go to Stoke yesterday, one place you would not choose to go after an away tie in Europe..... Citeh get a nice home game after an away European tie....

As for the hatred/dislike.... from a personal point of view I find CoM's a nasty place to visit as an away fan for no other reason than the anti semitic chanting of some of the Man City fans....which in this day and age is disgusting... the fact that the stewards and police find it funny is even more disgusting....

Every club has Jewish fans.... FACT..... as a Jewish Spurs fan, I don't particularly like the YID ARMY chants.... but that is what they chant....... but as a human being that lost members of his family (my maternal grandparents and great grandparents) at Auschwitz I find City fans making gas noises, singing about Hitler and doing the Nazi salute throughout the game extremely offensive.....

Now I realise it is a minority, but I would expect the club or police not to tolerate that inside the ground...... but that has now happened on all 5 visits I have made to CoM's, funnily enough all Spurs wins.....

I don't generally have a problem with Man City, they are a client of mine and have been supplying them with merchandise for almost a year and have just taken a licence with them to supply more stuff......but clubs need to do more to stamp out racism, anti-semitism.....

Why do you think Balotelli wanted to get away from Italy?? He has been racially abused for quite a while at Inter..... and when he played for Italy as the only black player in the side....

Sorry to hijack your lucky, lucky spurs thread with this......
marcspurs said:
I find it funny that Citeh fans can remember some of our luckier moments but neglect to remember some of the awful decisions and bad luck we have encountered in t'North West..

0-0 at OT... Mendes from the halfway line almost in stoppage time, 2 yards over the line, goal not given, we missed out on a UEFA Cup place because of that decision.....

2-0 up at OT and comfortable...... Howard "the twat" Webb gives Manure a pen that never was to gift manure a way back into the game.....

1-0 down at Anfield last season, Defoe scores a perfectly good goal a minute after half time, wrongly ruled out for offside......

Bad luck, good luck does tend to (a) go in cycles (b) even itself out.......

We had a tough away game in Europe last week and had to go to Stoke yesterday, one place you would not choose to go after an away tie in Europe..... Citeh get a nice home game after an away European tie....

As for the hatred/dislike.... from a personal point of view I find CoM's a nasty place to visit as an away fan for no other reason than the anti semitic chanting of some of the Man City fans....which in this day and age is disgusting... the fact that the stewards and police find it funny is even more disgusting....

Every club has Jewish fans.... FACT..... as a Jewish Spurs fan, I don't particularly like the YID ARMY chants.... but that is what they chant....... but as a human being that lost members of his family (my maternal grandparents and great grandparents) at Auschwitz I find City fans making gas noises, singing about Hitler and doing the Nazi salute throughout the game extremely offensive.....

Now I realise it is a minority, but I would expect the club or police not to tolerate that inside the ground...... but that has now happened on all 5 visits I have made to CoM's, funnily enough all Spurs wins.....

I don't generally have a problem with Man City, they are a client of mine and have been supplying them with merchandise for almost a year and have just taken a licence with them to supply more stuff......but clubs need to do more to stamp out racism, anti-semitism.....

Why do you think Balotelli wanted to get away from Italy?? He has been racially abused for quite a while at Inter..... and when he played for Italy as the only black player in the side....

Sorry to hijack your lucky, lucky spurs thread with this......

no need to aplogise your comments are welcome, you should not be surprised to get nothing at ot, spurs maybe lucky but the refs at ot are plain bent.

i want to apogise about some of the chanting at our stadium, its not the norm i can assure you.
Apology not required, but duly accepted.....

At 42 years old and having been to over 1200 Spurs games in my life, I have learned it is always the minority that causes grief for the majority and gives the good ones a bad reputation......

I have stopped going to OT as I know I will never see my team win there in my lifetime or at least while Fergie controls the officials..... I have seen us win there twice in 1989 (league and cup) and that was the last time we won up there!!!!
The hissing and nazi salutes are from a small number of scumy cunts that call themselves fans but they don't represent most of us.

As for the goal the other day, if it had been given then spurs would have been unlucky because Gomes was quite clearly fouled.
de niro said:
no need to aplogise your comments are welcome, you should not be surprised to get nothing at ot, spurs maybe lucky but the refs at ot are plain bent.

i want to apogise about some of the chanting at our stadium, its not the norm i can assure you.

It only takes a few to ruin it. You can say whatever you want about banter but some things are disgusting.
I think it's a fair point that we were lucky to get taken over by ADUG... Can't argue that. Though we've had our fair share of utter sh!te to put up with prior to the takeover.

I understand what the spuds are saying about reading comments by city fans that change their perception of us. Indeed, my dislike for both spuds and everton stems from reading comments made about city on their blogs and forums. Ironic eh.
de niro said:
marcspurs said:
I find it funny that Citeh fans can remember some of our luckier moments but neglect to remember some of the awful decisions and bad luck we have encountered in t'North West..

0-0 at OT... Mendes from the halfway line almost in stoppage time, 2 yards over the line, goal not given, we missed out on a UEFA Cup place because of that decision.....

2-0 up at OT and comfortable...... Howard "the twat" Webb gives Manure a pen that never was to gift manure a way back into the game.....

1-0 down at Anfield last season, Defoe scores a perfectly good goal a minute after half time, wrongly ruled out for offside......

Bad luck, good luck does tend to (a) go in cycles (b) even itself out.......

We had a tough away game in Europe last week and had to go to Stoke yesterday, one place you would not choose to go after an away tie in Europe..... Citeh get a nice home game after an away European tie....

As for the hatred/dislike.... from a personal point of view I find CoM's a nasty place to visit as an away fan for no other reason than the anti semitic chanting of some of the Man City fans....which in this day and age is disgusting... the fact that the stewards and police find it funny is even more disgusting....

Every club has Jewish fans.... FACT..... as a Jewish Spurs fan, I don't particularly like the YID ARMY chants.... but that is what they chant....... but as a human being that lost members of his family (my maternal grandparents and great grandparents) at Auschwitz I find City fans making gas noises, singing about Hitler and doing the Nazi salute throughout the game extremely offensive.....

Now I realise it is a minority, but I would expect the club or police not to tolerate that inside the ground...... but that has now happened on all 5 visits I have made to CoM's, funnily enough all Spurs wins.....

I don't generally have a problem with Man City, they are a client of mine and have been supplying them with merchandise for almost a year and have just taken a licence with them to supply more stuff......but clubs need to do more to stamp out racism, anti-semitism.....

Why do you think Balotelli wanted to get away from Italy?? He has been racially abused for quite a while at Inter..... and when he played for Italy as the only black player in the side....

Sorry to hijack your lucky, lucky spurs thread with this......

no need to aplogise your comments are welcome, you should not be surprised to get nothing at ot, spurs maybe lucky but the refs at ot are plain bent.

i want to apogise about some of the chanting at our stadium, its not the norm i can assure you.

There are a minority of nobheads at any ground but I agree the "hissing" stuff is bollocks.
And yes,it does happen because I've heard it myself near me in 111.
I genuinely don't know of any other club that visit CoMs that this happens with-also baring in mind historically we have a sizeable Jewish contingent within our support.
City is a club that has always prided itself on the diversity of the area that it came from-for the most part,we know our roots

The only thing I can put this down to is a poor attempt by some of the more excitable members of our support to respond to the the tedious "Yid army" shite that your away support seems to revel in chanting about as some kind of religious "badge of honour."

However-I do recall spuds fans were dragged through the courts regarding the sheer level of homophobic abuse being given out to Sol Campbel at Pompey not too long I guess we all have our fair share?

And I agree with you-that Mendes decsion at the swamp was quite frankly the worst refereeing decision I've ever seen.

But this apart,you're still "lucky spurs."

And so far as us having a "nice home game" after Europe...don't make me laugh mate.
And you can also add to that the fact that we've been drawn away from home for the last five years at the start of the season.

"Fixture computer" my arse.
marcspurs said:
I find it funny that Citeh fans can remember some of our luckier moments but neglect to remember some of the awful decisions and bad luck we have encountered in t'North West..

0-0 at OT... Mendes from the halfway line almost in stoppage time, 2 yards over the line, goal not given, we missed out on a UEFA Cup place because of that decision.....

2-0 up at OT and comfortable...... Howard "the twat" Webb gives Manure a pen that never was to gift manure a way back into the game.....

1-0 down at Anfield last season, Defoe scores a perfectly good goal a minute after half time, wrongly ruled out for offside......

Bad luck, good luck does tend to (a) go in cycles (b) even itself out.......

We had a tough away game in Europe last week and had to go to Stoke yesterday, one place you would not choose to go after an away tie in Europe..... Citeh get a nice home game after an away European tie....

As for the hatred/dislike.... from a personal point of view I find CoM's a nasty place to visit as an away fan for no other reason than the anti semitic chanting of some of the Man City fans....which in this day and age is disgusting... the fact that the stewards and police find it funny is even more disgusting....

Every club has Jewish fans.... FACT..... as a Jewish Spurs fan, I don't particularly like the YID ARMY chants.... but that is what they chant....... but as a human being that lost members of his family (my maternal grandparents and great grandparents) at Auschwitz I find City fans making gas noises, singing about Hitler and doing the Nazi salute throughout the game extremely offensive.....

Now I realise it is a minority, but I would expect the club or police not to tolerate that inside the ground...... but that has now happened on all 5 visits I have made to CoM's, funnily enough all Spurs wins.....

I don't generally have a problem with Man City, they are a client of mine and have been supplying them with merchandise for almost a year and have just taken a licence with them to supply more stuff......but clubs need to do more to stamp out racism, anti-semitism.....

Why do you think Balotelli wanted to get away from Italy?? He has been racially abused for quite a while at Inter..... and when he played for Italy as the only black player in the side....

Sorry to hijack your lucky, lucky spurs thread with this......

The anti-smitism is offensive and distasteful and more so as we've traditionally had a large Jewish following, whilst I can understand the need to empower by "owning' the term "yid" , football fans being what they are it's bound to get a reaction in response, I wish it didn't.
I'm not sure why as a City fan I'd register whether Spurs got lucky or not in games located in North west England never mind anywhere else.
I will admit to harbouring a dislike for Spurs ever since they waited till 15mins into a game at Maine Rd in the 70's and invaded the Kippax from the top, pushing and kicking people down the terraces. There were injuries to people I know (only minor fortunately) and the possibility of a Hillsboro type incident was very, very real.
If we do spout a bit of bile on here please remember it's only a football forum where people tend to vent, not real life, and we've had a fair few spuds on here being provocative in the past which doesn't help. I'd hate us to sanitise the passion out of football, " suitable for women and children' bores the life out of me tbh, but I agree some behaviour is beyond the pale.
There are bits of a few replies I would like to comment on......

About being away from home opening day of the season, you tend to forget that we have to compete with L'Arse for that privilege in N London and rest assured we come off second best every year (almost).... This season was the first time in 30 years we have been at home opening and closing day and we have now been at home on consecutive opening days for the first time in more than 35 years.....

Since the start of the PL (19 opening days) we have had just 6 opening day home games...

I agree with the comment about not sanitising football..... ffs everything has to be politically correct these days, it's ridiculous..... but stewards can and often will do nothing certainly for away fans...

The Hillsborough disaster nearly happened a few years earlier when we played an FA Cup semi there (1982 I think) and the warning signals were there for all to see and not heeded...

And finally......

On the subject of those 12 fans at Pompey...... splashed all over the press, SKY having their say when it happened..... what none of them reported and only one newspaper covered in 6 lines, was that earlier this year all charges against the 12 were dropped due to insufficient evidence... the judge hauled the CPS over the "tiles" for wasting court time.

I am not saying the songs were not sung, they were, however they were not homo phobic or racist...... the song if you allow this sort of thing to be printed here (delete it if it is not allowed please).....

Sol sol wherever you maybe, not long now 'til lunacy,
We don't give a fuck if you're hanging from a tree, you Judas c*nt with HIV.....

Now as vile as I find the song, the hanging from a tree reference was taken as racist, however it is a reference to how Judas dies..... a for the mention of HIV, this was taken as a homo phobic remark, but actually many heterosexuals contract HIV....

Hence the reason it was thrown out by the courts, something SSN managed not to report....

As for tomorrow nights game, the pressure is on to win for both sides even at this early stage a draw leaves City and Pool already more than a win behind Chelsea and a win to get past Spurs, Arsenal and Manure..... and we have Wigwam at home next week..... 18 goals conceded in their last 3 PL games.... and we put 9 past them last season...
Another Spurs hate thread? :shockhorror:

Is this on a continuous loop every week or something?

All this reading Everton, United, Liverpool fans etc are bitter. I'm starting to question who are the bitter ones after all

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