Lucy Letby infant murders trial - Guilty verdict (P 13)

Which combination of those would ever lead you to kill multiple babies? Im not getting it.
All of the above, with #4 likely being the trigger.

From what we know so far, she was a long term, well qualified nurse who had been promoted up to the role she had and so far the killings all happened in a very short period around which she was having some sort of flirtation with the on-call senior doctor.

Now of course, plenty of people have crushes in colleagues and don’t go on to kill anyone to get their attention, but the overwhelming majority of people won’t have a personality disorder such as hers, so most likely it was a deadly combo of the 4.

Now if the police subsequently find out that she has killed many many more and from far earlier then of course all bets are off as to the cause.

As said though, in this case a deep and prolonged psychiatric evaluation/study should be in her immediate future.
If you reported that someone was killing babies at work and you were sure of it would you allow your boss to fob you off?

A lot of covering backs going on here.

The horror of what the babies and families are going through must be unfathomable.
They had their suspicions and concerns and they voiced and reported them consistently and on many occasions. Not sure they had concrete proof and evidence they could give to the police and say conclusively that she was responsible. Those reports should have been investigated by the higher ups, they weren't. It's those higher ups that should be investigated and punished. With prison sentences if they are deserved.
It is almost inconceivable that this young woman, on the face of it totally normal in personality and behaviours has carried out these terrible crimes. From what I have read neither her friends or her family saw anything wrong.
Clearly though from quite early she left a string of evidence which was picked up on by medical colleagues but dismissed by management to the extent that letters of apology were written to the perpetrator.

It really makes you question what it is to be human. How can someone who shows no signs of mental illness carry out such appalling murders? But then surely someone that carries out such appalling murders must be mentally ill? That is unless you believe in the concept of pure evil. The police have been unable to identify any motive and she has denied any of the crimes throughout the trial.

All of that must make it even more unbearable for the poor parents who's babies were killed and injured. The fact that there is no answer to the question 'why?' must make their pain even worse. I hope that time will give them some peace and that they feel that justice has been served when this woman is sentenced and the inevitable enquiry reaches its conclusions.

On the face of it, clinical opinion has been dismissed when it shouldn't have been. The duty of care has been significantly compromised by prioritising protection of the Health Trust over everything else. Lessons need to be learned and changes made and Senior Management brought to account where that is warranted for sure but lets hope this is not used as another political baseball bat to beat the living daylights out of an already underfunded and demoralised NHS.
They had their suspicions and concerns and they voiced and reported them consistently and on many occasions. Not sure they had concrete proof and evidence they could give to the police and say conclusively that she was responsible. Those reports should have been investigated by the higher ups, they weren't. It's those higher ups that should be investigated and punished. With prison sentences if they are deserved.

It was investigated higher up and they made the doctors apologise to her.

These people need to be brought to justice, what investigation did they carry out ? How could they not find anything when the doctors were raising concerns ?

Does it need police charges against these people who didnt believe the doctors. Something really smells about the higher management
They didn't. It was actually picked up asthe workers on the ground had a feeling as to what was going on. It was the suits at the top who refused to listen to the staff. Stop regurgitating Sun/Mail headlines.
gobby **** - they missed her no matter what you spout from your keyboard.

If you took the trouble to read other posts before wading in all tough like you'd also see that I have quoted the managers who fucked up.

By the way I don't read either The Sun or The Mail......nob
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At what point in her lifetime did she become evil? Are people born like this or is it because of certain incidents they’ve seen while growing up? Absolutely baffles me that anyone could harm another individual with the intent of killing them for no reason, especially when it’s very poorly newborns.

I don’t believe in the death penalty as it’s the easy way out, but there has to be a bigger punishment than life in prison. Torture chamber sounds about right for the evil scum.
I shudder to think what her parents are feeling, I feel sorry for them

They are the bottom of the victim pile by some distance but I was only saying the same to my Mrs last night. Even a new phone number wouldn't help, their details would be shared very very quickly......people who were once friends, no longer......and all because of the animal they spawned.

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