Lucy Letby infant murders trial - Guilty verdict (P 13)

Except to make the victims feel like their being heard, ease their pain and make the court aware of the suffering they've gone through so an appropriate sentence can be given.
Fair point in bold. For me, the family should not be starved of the only bit of justice they will get.

Without oversharing, I have a close friend who fell on hard times during the pandemic with addiction and committed a totally out of character crime. I regularly visit him in prison, his first ever run in with the law in his late 30s. Addiction, mental health problems or not, we have some honest conversations and he fully accepts that he must show remorse for what he has done. You live and die by the sword in this life, if you commit a crime, you must face the consequences, including facing up to victims and their families.

As for being treated with respect in prison, this is somewhat lacking. I am a professional man with a clean record and strong morals. There is a polar opposite in treatment from staff when I go for a visit compared to when I have worked in jails as a contractor. My friend hasn't been given any leeway or respectful treatment from staff for being an ex-serviceman of previous good character. That is a wider issue that doesn't belong in this thread. People are grossly underpaid in prisons and the wrong young people are attracted into the job now, I have no doubt there is a clear correlation between this and the increase in violence inside prisons in UK.
I have no doubt whatsover. You couldn't pay me enough to work in a prison. The service like so many (inc police) has been run into the ground and we all suffer as a consequence. I wish your friend all the best for the future.
Waste of time trying to understand what made her do it. She’s a freak of nature who will rightly never have a day of freedom for the rest of her miserable life and there’s no point wasting time trying to understand her motivations. The focus needs to be on putting in place measures to detect something similar much earlier if it ever happens again.
They had the chance to do exactly that when they ignored the concerns of the consultants. To ignore them was nothing short of a disgrace and cost more lives.

Of course, if she was displaying normal behaviour then it's nigh on impossible to stop it before it starts but they could've certainly had her apprehended before she killed again and again
Never mind this fuss about her not coming up for her sentence, it's the fucking management of the hospital that need holding to account
Spot on. That's a far bigger story.

I still can't fathom why they would ignore the concerns of staff. If those concerns turn out to be misplaced and nothing untoward has gone on, fine, but carry out an investigation first. These are human lives at stake, not bags of sugar ffs
That's exactly right. She was trusted implicitly by all around her. She controlled the environment. Had she stopped earlier, she wouldn't have been caught, but, she took her power for granted and got careless as time went on, and forgot to watch her back. Retaining records at her home - trophies - was a stupid mistake.
Perhaps in the end, such people with a feeling of God-power - the God complex - need to go on until they are caught so someone can work out just how clever they've been; they 'get off'' on that as well as the control over everyone affected by their actions.
To me, it's an extreme mental sickness - as well as evil. I suspect that more skeletons will be uncovered and the enquiry will find that she can be linked as the common denominator in many other deaths and near deaths which have caused long term damage. And all this will be very very expensive in damages (astronomical - paying for parent's mental ill health consequences; care costs for life for damaged babies, etc) - to everyone affected as, ultimately, the NHS will be liable for all her actions whilst in their employment

A fair few serial killers get off on taunting the police trying to catch them. That BTK killer in the States for one. For Letby her victory was getting the trust to believe her over the doctors. Having them have to apologise to her must have reinforced her feeling of superiority and invincibility. Looking up the parents of babies she had killed on Facebook and witnessing their outpourings of grief, knowing she had been responsible and nobody knew shows just what a psychopath she is. Other traits of a psychopath is they are often utterly charming and popular, which again appears to be the case here, that's why her friends can't believe she did it.
Spot on. That's a far bigger story.

I still can't fathom why they would ignore the concerns of staff. If those concerns turn out to be misplaced and nothing untoward has gone on, fine, but carry out an investigation first. These are human lives at stake, not bags of sugar ffs
Well many managers in the NHS are sub-standard in many many respects. They live in a bubble and have this air of superiority which is even more bizarre when many aren't the brightest or inspiring in the least, they don't take too kindly to advice they just prefer to 'bugger on', it's a world of nepotism and cliques, double standards and turning a blind eye sadly.
Spot on. That's a far bigger story.

I still can't fathom why they would ignore the concerns of staff. If those concerns turn out to be misplaced and nothing untoward has gone on, fine, but carry out an investigation first. These are human lives at stake, not bags of sugar ffs
Private for profit company disguised as a 'trust'
Spot on. That's a far bigger story.

I still can't fathom why they would ignore the concerns of staff. If those concerns turn out to be misplaced and nothing untoward has gone on, fine, but carry out an investigation first. These are human lives at stake, not bags of sugar ffs

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