Lucy Letby infant murders trial - Guilty verdict (P 13)

I’ve seen a photo of a typical cell where she’s being held. I’ve had Airbnb apartments of similar quality.

I can absolutely guarantee you that those photos that the Daily Mail printed, if they are from Low Newton prison at all, will not be areas of the jail that a Cat. A prisoner will be going anywhere near.
I can absolutely guarantee you that those photos that the Daily Mail printed, if they are from Low Newton prison at all, will not be areas of the jail that a Cat. A prisoner will be going anywhere near.

Presumably, even if they are they are photos of a cell that the prison authorities are happy for the public to see. Not one that is in a state of decay and neglect, i.e. it's the show home effect.
Prisoners are automatically on standard privileges at the start of a sentence. They can be upgraded to enhanced privileges or reduced to basic privileges for bad behaviour.

Individual prisons each have their own set of rules. But generally speaking, on basic, you’re not allowed anything other than the law requires.

So no opportunity to rent a TV.
No wearing own clothes.
No canteen ( spending your own money in the prison shop )
No letter writing or visits, other than the minimum the law says every prisoner is entitled to.
No gym or association ( may not be applicable to a cat A prisoner anyway. Not sure about that. )

Various other things that may seem trivial in the extreme when you’re talking about a multiple baby murderer. But are things that someone with nothing to lose in terms of an increased sentence, will most likely take as a serious deterrent against poor behaviour.

Reading it back, quite a few of these things, like wearing own clothes for one, probably don’t apply to cat. A prisoners anyway. I was just talking generally about prison regime.

If you are a narcissist or psychopath and enjoy keeping control, I'd imagine six months lost privileges seems a price worth paying for keeping some "control" over the trial process when you are guaranteed to be in prison for the rest of your life.
We should care about the rights of every single segment and person in our society, even murderers. To not do so is the start of a slippery slope to a brutalisation of society until such time as someone compartmentalises and categorises you or me and decides our rights aren't worth caring about.

We should care about the rights of every single segment and person in our society, even murderers. To not do so is the start of a slippery slope to a brutalisation of society until such time as someone compartmentalises and categorises you or me and decides our rights aren't worth caring about.
Do you think you are with the majority in your opinion or a minority?
I can absolutely guarantee you that those photos that the Daily Mail printed, if they are from Low Newton prison at all, will not be areas of the jail that a Cat. A prisoner will be going anywhere near.
Done time in a women’s prison, Stephanie?

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