Lucy Letby infant murders trial - Guilty verdict (P 13)

A fair few serial killers get off on taunting the police trying to catch them. That BTK killer in the States for one. For Letby her victory was getting the trust to believe her over the doctors. Having them have to apologise to her must have reinforced her feeling of superiority and invincibility. Looking up the parents of babies she had killed on Facebook and witnessing their outpourings of grief, knowing she had been responsible and nobody knew shows just what a psychopath she is. Other traits of a psychopath is they are often utterly charming and popular, which again appears to be the case here, that's why her friends can't believe she did it.
Spot on.
Possibly not-but hard to know without full knowledge. She may have been an extreme self-harm risk for example.

Forcibly restraining somebody cannot be a good look for anyone and I'm not sure it would help the victims' families tbh or benefit the court.
You have provided a great insight into dealing with those who are a threat to society. Thank you.
I also work in Public Service (42 years now) and I don't think those who haven't really understand how brutal it can be when you are dealing with a myriad of problems from both those who are the aggressors and those that are vulnerable.

My job is nothing like yours was though, and I applaud you for doing what you did.
You have provided a great insight into dealing with those who are a threat to society. Thank you.
I also work in Public Service (42 years now) and I don't think those who haven't really understand how brutal it can be when you are dealing with a myriad of problems from both those who are the aggressors and those that are vulnerable.

My job is nothing like yours was though, and I applaud you for doing what you did.
Yes thanks @bert38, you have given a really interesting perspective into the case.
I’ve missed over a hundred pages of this thread, so apologies if already covered.

I posted earlier in the thread that I wasn’t in favour of dragging an unwillingly defendant into court, screaming and shouting for sentencing. And I’m still not.

But I read something earlier that made sense and might well encourage those who know they are facing a life sentence and think they’ve got nothing to lose by not attending, possibly think twice.

The suggestion was that they are punished by a loss of privileges for a specified time at the start of their sentence if they refuse to attend sentencing.

People might think is someone capable of mass murder really going to bothered about that? But you can trust me that it would make the vast majority at least think twice.

Even a seemingly short period of time like six months on a basic regime is a pretty significant big deal to anybody in jail. A standard punishment would normally be something like a fortnight.
What are these privileges that could be denied Letby?

Prisoners are automatically on standard privileges at the start of a sentence. They can be upgraded to enhanced privileges or reduced to basic privileges for bad behaviour.

Individual prisons each have their own set of rules. But generally speaking, on basic, you’re not allowed anything other than the law requires.

So no opportunity to rent a TV.
No wearing own clothes.
No canteen ( spending your own money in the prison shop )
No letter writing or visits, other than the minimum the law says every prisoner is entitled to.
No gym or association ( may not be applicable to a cat A prisoner anyway. Not sure about that. )

Various other things that may seem trivial in the extreme when you’re talking about a multiple baby murderer. But are things that someone with nothing to lose in terms of an increased sentence, will most likely take as a serious deterrent against poor behaviour.

Reading it back, quite a few of these things, like wearing own clothes for one, probably don’t apply to cat. A prisoners anyway. I was just talking generally about prison regime.
I don't understand why they can't just drag the offender to the dock to hear the sentence. They have the powers now, they force them into the cell , they can force them out. As a country we worry way too much about crap like this and the rights of offenders. Literally no one cares about the rights of murderers.
We should care about the rights of every single segment and person in our society, even murderers. To not do so is the start of a slippery slope to a brutalisation of society until such time as someone compartmentalises and categorises you or me and decides our rights aren't worth caring about.

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