Luis Suarez Charged [Merged]

BillyShears said:
What I find really interesting is that in both instances of racism (Terry and Suarez) our normally quick to wear their moral outrage on their metaphorical sleeves media seem to be taking a very "hands off" approach.

Whilst Blatter's comments yesterday have already led to pretty much every newspaper running some sort of damning editorial on him (quite rightly so) - there has been very little written about in particular this Suarez situation. Not beyond the two statements which have been put out by the FA and by LFC.

I get the distinct impression that the size and power of the three clubs involved (Chelsea, Liverpool, the rags) is the reason for this. Just a personal observation, but had Ashley Cole accused Joey Barton of making racist comments, I would hazard a guess we'd be reading much more about it and hearing much more about it from our normally over opinionated sports media. I could be wrong but that's just my feeling.

As for what Suarez is alleged to have said - I've no doubt that being the new comedy villain of the premier league he'll get hung out to dry by the FA whilst John Terry will be found innocent. I'm going to go against the general grain here and say that I like Suarez the footballer, think he's a top player. If he did call Evra what he's alleged to have called him, then as abhorrent as that may be, I can't help but not give a shit simply because Evra's a horrible horrible odious unbearable creature. Speaks volumes that Slur Alex loves him so much ...

There's a conspiracy theory here in France that Evra only made the accusation public via Canal Plus as he knew it'd gain him favour with the French press and French football supporters, which is something he needs to rehabilitate his international career and reputation post the World Cup fiasco which went on under his captaincy.

So it's ok to make racist comments to people that are somehow seen as deserving it?
BillyShears said:
The cookie monster said:
BillyShears said:
I'm going to go against the general grain here and say that I like Suarez the footballer, think he's a top player. If he did call Evra what he's alleged to have called him, then as abhorrent as that may be, I can't help but not give a shit simply because Evra's a horrible horrible odious unbearable creature..
Thats not really great reading, in fact its fucking piss poor!

I realize that. It's not my intention to downplay how abhorrant I find racism (i am in fact a man of colour). I just find it difficult to feel sympathy towards someone who is allegedly a latent homophobe who, along with a few other 'senior' French players, taunted one of their teammates about his sexuality to the point where that teammate considered his international future.

Evra isn't some butter wouldn't melt innocent. He's an odious odious **** who I'm sure down the years has dished out plenty of inappropriate "banter" on a football pitch. Plus he's a rag. So I just find it impossible to give a shit - like I said...

I know you have had a few battles on here mate & to be honest i dont mind reading your could of worded that so much better with a bit of thought.
The cookie monster said:
I know you have had a few battles on here mate & to be honest i dont mind reading your could of worded that so much better with a bit of thought.

Probably but I just wrote it and posted it rather than thinking about how it may come across.

I apologize if I've offended anyone as that wasn't my intention. I abhor racism in all it's forms. I've been subjected to enough racist abuse in my life, both at football matches, and in general, to understand it and the effect it can have upon people.
twinkletoes said:
BillyShears said:
What I find really interesting is that in both instances of racism (Terry and Suarez) our normally quick to wear their moral outrage on their metaphorical sleeves media seem to be taking a very "hands off" approach.

Whilst Blatter's comments yesterday have already led to pretty much every newspaper running some sort of damning editorial on him (quite rightly so) - there has been very little written about in particular this Suarez situation. Not beyond the two statements which have been put out by the FA and by LFC.

I get the distinct impression that the size and power of the three clubs involved (Chelsea, Liverpool, the rags) is the reason for this. Just a personal observation, but had Ashley Cole accused Joey Barton of making racist comments, I would hazard a guess we'd be reading much more about it and hearing much more about it from our normally over opinionated sports media. I could be wrong but that's just my feeling.

As for what Suarez is alleged to have said - I've no doubt that being the new comedy villain of the premier league he'll get hung out to dry by the FA whilst John Terry will be found innocent. I'm going to go against the general grain here and say that I like Suarez the footballer, think he's a top player. If he did call Evra what he's alleged to have called him, then as abhorrent as that may be, I can't help but not give a shit simply because Evra's a horrible horrible odious unbearable creature. Speaks volumes that Slur Alex loves him so much ...

There's a conspiracy theory here in France that Evra only made the accusation public via Canal Plus as he knew it'd gain him favour with the French press and French football supporters, which is something he needs to rehabilitate his international career and reputation post the World Cup fiasco which went on under his captaincy.

So it's ok to make racist comments to people that are somehow seen as deserving it?
Evra is an odious shit so Suarez should have followed the Dennis Leary doctrine of "why hate him for the colour of his skin when there´s a thousand other reasons to hate him" and thought of something witty. Oh wait... Suarez... witty,,, maybe not! ;)
If found guilty I expect 6 game bans.

BTW did anyone notice that Bernstein totally blanked Terry during the pre game formalities on Tuesday evening, just walked straight past and started to shake players hands
UlsterCitizen said:
If found guilty I expect 6 game bans.

BTW did anyone notice that Bernstein totally blanked Terry during the pre game formalities on Tuesday evening, just walked straight past and started to shake players hands

That was in support of Wayne Bridge.

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