Luxury yacht sinks off Sicily

Bit of a weird thread this. Seems quite a lot of people are just taking the piss. Normally in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy with multiple British deaths there’s a bit more respect. Maybe I’m missing something.
The majority are taking the piss out of the conspiracy theorists.
I find RIP threads about people you didn't know and only seen on the tele far weirder.
Black humour has always been a part of the Cellar.
Bit of a weird thread this. Seems quite a lot of people are just taking the piss. Normally in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy with multiple British deaths there’s a bit more respect. Maybe I’m missing something.

No chance. People have always joked about death and tragedies. I have no idea why. Is it a kind of coping mechanism, tinged with relief it wasn't them or their relatives that died? Or are they just sick wankers, trying to be top dog with the sickest reaction? I'd say a mixture of both.
When the Herald of free Enterprise capsized off the coast of Zeebrugge in 1987 with the loss of 193 lives I experienced this first hand. In a matter of weeks I went from waiting for a ship for eight months to being employed by the same shipping company. They say one person's misfortune is another person's gain and so it proved for myself and many other unemployed seaman. The company had to replace the workers that had died on the Herald.
I digress slightly but just weeks after the tragedy I was onboard a sister ship of the doomed vessel working. If I had a pound for every fucker that laughed and said to me, "I hope they've shut the doors" in the first few months I could have retired a rich man. I was working with survivors of the Herald and everybody knew somebody who had died on that ship. Even I did. Geoff Haney from Wythenshawe, a staunch Blue like us,died onboard on that awful night. Needless to say this "Joke" went down very badly. Insensitive doesn't cut it but these cretins thought it absolutely hilarious to say it. My response was always, "You better hope they have or you'll be dying just the same as me and like the poor sods who died on the Herald won't you!" Some looked sheepish or snapped, "It's only a joke" I then told them everybody working onboard knew somebody who'd died on there so we didn't find it funny. A tough time. That's life though sadly, people make light of death and disasters.
No chance. People have always joked about death and tragedies. I have no idea why. Is it a kind of coping mechanism, tinged with relief it wasn't them or their relatives that died? Or are they just sick wankers, trying to be top dog with the sickest reaction? I'd say a mixture of both.
When the Herald of free Enterprise capsized off the coast of Zeebrugge in 1987 with the loss of 193 lives I experienced this first hand. In a matter of weeks I went from waiting for a ship for eight months to being employed by the same shipping company. They say one person's misfortune is another person's gain and so it proved for myself and many other unemployed seaman. The company had to replace the workers that had died on the Herald.
I digress slightly but just weeks after the tragedy I was onboard a sister ship of the doomed vessel working. If I had a pound for every fucker that laughed and said to me, "I hope they've shut the doors" in the first few months I could have retired a rich man. I was working with survivors of the Herald and everybody knew somebody who had died on that ship. Even I did. Geoff Haney from Wythenshawe, a staunch Blue like us,died onboard on that awful night. Needless to say this "Joke" went down very badly. Insensitive doesn't cut it but these cretins thought it absolutely hilarious to say it. My response was always, "You better hope they have or you'll be dying just the same as me and like the poor sods who died on the Herald won't you!" Some looked sheepish or snapped, "It's only a joke" I then told them everybody working onboard knew somebody who'd died on there so we didn't find it funny. A tough time. That's life though sadly, people make light of death and disasters.
The gallows humour I think is because people don’t want to acknowledge how fragile life is, I certainly used it all the time as coping mechanism for the stuff I’ve witnessed otherwise it drives you mad, unfortunately it doesn’t help with the memories I have now which seem to be resurfacing now and then at the weirdest times.
No chance. People have always joked about death and tragedies. I have no idea why. Is it a kind of coping mechanism, tinged with relief it wasn't them or their relatives that died? Or are they just sick wankers, trying to be top dog with the sickest reaction? I'd say a mixture of both.
When the Herald of free Enterprise capsized off the coast of Zeebrugge in 1987 with the loss of 193 lives I experienced this first hand. In a matter of weeks I went from waiting for a ship for eight months to being employed by the same shipping company. They say one person's misfortune is another person's gain and so it proved for myself and many other unemployed seaman. The company had to replace the workers that had died on the Herald.
I digress slightly but just weeks after the tragedy I was onboard a sister ship of the doomed vessel working. If I had a pound for every fucker that laughed and said to me, "I hope they've shut the doors" in the first few months I could have retired a rich man. I was working with survivors of the Herald and everybody knew somebody who had died on that ship. Even I did. Geoff Haney from Wythenshawe, a staunch Blue like us,died onboard on that awful night. Needless to say this "Joke" went down very badly. Insensitive doesn't cut it but these cretins thought it absolutely hilarious to say it. My response was always, "You better hope they have or you'll be dying just the same as me and like the poor sods who died on the Herald won't you!" Some looked sheepish or snapped, "It's only a joke" I then told them everybody working onboard knew somebody who'd died on there so we didn't find it funny. A tough time. That's life though sadly, people make light of death and disasters.
Within a very short space of time professional comedians were telling a certain joke about that disaster. It has always been done. Its a way of coping. If you look at this week, 3 stabbed (one dead) in Gorton, this tragedy, people dying in car crashes, shootings, robberies the lot. That is just this country. Gaza/Israel/Iraq. The Rohinga are being slaughtered again. Russia committing war crimes, South America in a permanent state of crisis......
You either end up a depressed bloke on tablets, refuse to read/watch the news or you take a light hearted casual attitude to all the death and destruction.
I know which of the 3 I am and it doesn't make me a bad person no matter what some on bluemoon think.
The gallows humour I think is because people don’t want to acknowledge how fragile life is, I certainly used it all the time as coping mechanism for the stuff I’ve witnessed otherwise it drives you mad, unfortunately it doesn’t help with the memories I have now which seem to be resurfacing now and then at the weirdest times.
I get the gallows humour but usually it kicks in a bit later and isn’t the initial reaction.

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