Madeleine McCann

I’m not up on how these dogs roll but...

Can the dogs specify if it’s the same odour on each object ie the same corpse?

And can the odour be ‘transferred’ between objects?
It can only detect the scent of a corpse, it can't detect who's corpse it is.
Whether the scent of a corpse can be passed on, maybe? I'm not too sure in all honesty.
Kate claims that she attended six deaths in the weeks leading up to the holiday, however you have to bear in mind that there was no documentation or factual evidence to back this claim up
Regarding the last confirmed sighting of Maddie by anyone other than the McCanns, aside from the David Payne account which seems a bit fuzzy, wasn’t she in the day crèche on the day in question?
Yes mate. Until 6pm which is when she was last seen by anybody other than the parents
I'm on episode 5 at the moment, absolutely fuckin scandalous how those Portuguese police tried to fit them up with the whole dna saga

Credit to most of the Portuguese press too for calling the poilce out after initially believing everything they originally told them.
Cheers. Thought so, which dispels the theory some have come up with that she disappeared before May 3rd.
6pm gives them a bit more of a window to cover up for anything untoward that might’ve happened I guess
Yeah those theories don't really stand up to scrutiny unless you start getting a bit more tinfoil hatted.
There was roughly a four hour window in which Madeline could've been killed/died and had her body hidden.
Difficult? Yes, but I wouldn't say it was impossible. Four hours is a long time
I'm on episode 5 at the moment, absolutely fuckin scandalous how those Portuguese police tried to fit them up with the whole dna saga

Credit to most of the Portuguese press too for calling the poilce out after initially believing everything they originally told them.
Agreed. They lost a lot of credibility when they went go big or go home on the DNA evidence I think.
I still maintain if they hadn't been leaking it wouldn't have blew up in their faces
It can only detect the scent of a corpse, it can't detect who's corpse it is.
Whether the scent of a corpse can be passed on, maybe? I'm not too sure in all honesty.
Kate claims that she attended six deaths in the weeks leading up to the holiday, however you have to bear in mind that there was no documentation or factual evidence to back this claim up

So if the odour can be transferred I wonder why it wasn’t on any of Gerry’s possessions?

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