Madeleine McCann

No idea how I stumbled on this as I don't veer from the football topics, perhaps I hit a button accidentally on my phone when I was putting it down, odd

I remember this case when it initially happened and the first interview the couple did. I was shocked. Everything to me screamed they were lying. It wasn't even a gut feeling it was stronger than that, so much so I couldn't believe nobody else picked up on it.

He read from a statement and she stood silent besides him. Her body language and facial expression had a look of "We are never going to get away with this." It was like they had concocted a story and he said, "Leave it to me I'll do the talking." He was so calm and practiced in that statement for someone who's daughter was missing. It was all very odd and for me set alarm bells ringing.

I have since of course watched documentaries which are inconclusive and conflicting, as they normally are. I stick with my initial gut feeling they were hiding something and lying. Her refusal to answer questions to the police was also very strange.

Sadly I doubt we will ever find out the truth but who knows it may come out one day.
Something that’s been bugging me about the Jane Tanner “bundleman” sighting.

We know that this was accounted for by the Met on the 2013 Crimewatch episode in that they said they had tracked down the person in question and it was a man taking his daughter home from the night crèche. I’ve got issues with this.

Firstly, and I touched on it briefly earlier in the thread, I find it rather astonishing that it took over 6 years for such a high profile element of a very high profile case to be cleared up, and at a time when the publicity surrounding “bundleman” wasn’t anywhere near as prominent as it had been previously.

Secondly, assuming that this was a genuine sighting then how would they know that over 6 years later that they had tracked down the right person. Is it not possible that “bundleman” is someone entirely different?

Thirdly, could it just be that Tanner made it all up? Of course, people will ask how come the Met came out with what they did if that was the case. No, my thinking behind this angle is that the Met were obviously not doing it to cover up for Tanner but as they suspected that the sighting was made up, they were perhaps doing it to lead her and the McCanns into a false sense of security.

And if it was a made up sighting, then what would Tanner’s motive be? Is it just to cover up for the McCann’s negligence or something more?
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No idea how I stumbled on this as I don't veer from the football topics, perhaps I hit a button accidentally on my phone when I was putting it down, odd

I remember this case when it initially happened and the first interview the couple did. I was shocked. Everything to me screamed they were lying. It wasn't even a gut feeling it was stronger than that, so much so I couldn't believe nobody else picked up on it.

He read from a statement and she stood silent besides him. Her body language and facial expression had a look of "We are never going to get away with this." It was like they had concocted a story and he said, "Leave it to me I'll do the talking." He was so calm and practiced in that statement for someone who's daughter was missing. It was all very odd and for me set alarm bells ringing.

I have since of course watched documentaries which are inconclusive and conflicting, as they normally are. I stick with my initial gut feeling they were hiding something and lying. Her refusal to answer questions to the police was also very strange.

Sadly I doubt we will ever find out the truth but who knows it may come out one day.
There's actually a guy who does what's known as statement analysis for a living that was interviewed by Richard D Hall on the case and how the McCanns acted and formed their statements.
He came to the conclusion that they were not being truthful in all they said
There's actually a guy who does what's known as statement analysis for a living that was interviewed by Richard D Hall on the case and how the McCanns acted and formed their statements.
He came to the conclusion that they were not being truthful in all they said

To me it was so obvious I was practically shouting "They're lying!" at the tv as I watched it.
Something that’s been bugging me about the Jane Tanner “bundleman” sighting.

We know that this was accounted for by the Met on the 2013 Crimewatch episode in that they said they had tracked down the person in question and it was a man taking his daughter home from the night crèche. I’ve got issues with this.

Firstly, and I touched on it briefly earlier in the thread, I find it rather astonishing that it took over 6 years for such a high profile element of a very high profile case to be cleared up, and at a time when the publicity surrounding “bundleman” wasn’t anywhere near as prominent as it had been previously.

Secondly, assuming that this was a genuine sighting then how would they know that over 6 years later that they had tracked down the right person. Is it not possible that “bundleman” is someone entirely different?

Thirdly, could it just be that Tanner made it all up? Of course, people will ask how come the Met came out with what they did if that was the case. No, my thinking behind this angle is that the Met were obviously not doing it to cover up for Tanner but as they suspected that the sighting was made up, they were perhaps doing it to lead her and the McCanns into a false sense of security.

And if it was a made up sighting, then what would Tanner’s motive be? Is it just to cover up for the McCann’s negligence or something more?

Especially as the doctor, who was fetching his daughter back from the night creche, they identified as Tannerman was staying on the same block as them. He would therefore be walking right to left across the top of the road towards the Mcann's apartment, not left to right away from the apartment, as described by Jane Tanner.
I'm sure the statement analysis guy was a fraud.

And Richard Hall's a loon.

I don't know either, nor have I read their analysis. It was my gut feeling at the time and still is. Something isn't right with that couple and they are hiding something. The establishment also protect their own as history has shown us and I think they have some very powerful friends.
I'm sure the statement analysis guy was a fraud.

And Richard Hall's a loon.
Its the guy who supplys the info to Hall whos a loon,(Tony Bennett) a fuckin fuitcake and as bad as David Icke. Been charged with contempt and avoided jail too regarding this case.
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No.1 daughter's 18th tomorrow so got family here on & off all day long. might get on here & there or maybe late on.
Sunday, the mrs is working so will be looking after no.3 daughter most of the day
Do you want to solve this case or not? ;)
It can only detect the scent of a corpse, it can't detect who's corpse it is.
Whether the scent of a corpse can be passed on, maybe? I'm not too sure in all honesty.
Kate claims that she attended six deaths in the weeks leading up to the holiday, however you have to bear in mind that there was no documentation or factual evidence to back this claim up
Ah so there is something in the “Kate had been certifying deaths”? I genuinely didn’t know this had been mentioned. It was the only thing I could come up with regarding the dog indications, if she was a teacher rather than a doctor this couldn’t be a possibility at all.
So if the odour can be transferred I wonder why it wasn’t on any of Gerry’s possessions?
Because Gerry wasn’t even sleeping in the same bed as Kate. He was sleeping in a super king size bed with Jane Tanner, David Payne and Robert Murat. ;)
No idea how I stumbled on this as I don't veer from the football topics, perhaps I hit a button accidentally on my phone when I was putting it down, odd

I remember this case when it initially happened and the first interview the couple did. I was shocked. Everything to me screamed they were lying. It wasn't even a gut feeling it was stronger than that, so much so I couldn't believe nobody else picked up on it.

He read from a statement and she stood silent besides him. Her body language and facial expression had a look of "We are never going to get away with this." It was like they had concocted a story and he said, "Leave it to me I'll do the talking." He was so calm and practiced in that statement for someone who's daughter was missing. It was all very odd and for me set alarm bells ringing.

I have since of course watched documentaries which are inconclusive and conflicting, as they normally are. I stick with my initial gut feeling they were hiding something and lying. Her refusal to answer questions to the police was also very strange.

Sadly I doubt we will ever find out the truth but who knows it may come out one day.
My Mrs thinks the same, when he read that statement out he didn’t even choke or well up. She reckons that’d be impossible when you’re facing such a loss. She also reckons Kate seem like she’s controlled by him, there’s a clip I’ve seen where he’s reading a statement and answering questions, Kate looks at him out but as soon as he glances at her she looks away and stares at the floor, this goes on for a few minutes whilst Gerry is talking and she must look at him and turn away a good few times.
I’ve always found them a bit robotic and hard to warm to but it’s not enough to make them guilty.

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