Maine Road,

Zaba-daba-doo said:
felixbg said:
best memory has to be that play-off night in 99 against wigan, the place was absolutly buzzing, add a pitch invasion and an entertaining game and you've got it all really, evening games were always special at that place, Ipswich back in 2001 was another great game, and of course Birmingham when we won 1-0 to near e nough confirm our promotion that same season , i'll never forget parking down on princess road (i think it was called) then walking/running (i was only lil lad so my dads steps = 2 of mine) down the cobbled back alleys to the ground avoiding horse mess and soggy newspapers on the way ;-)... good times ... good good times

the atmosphere were amazin that night i remember i took a sicky that night from work, weren't missin that one, did anyone go Maine Road for the Live screening of the first leg against Wigan at Springfield park 1-1 Browny wiv the away goal? everyone were singin like we were there hahaha good times!

It was dickov ... and no i didn't go, i listened to the game on the radio :-p
my first city game at maine road was against norwich i think, i was about 6...

i was in the north stand and i thought david white had scored the opener at the opposite end.. he hit the side netting. i was the only person in the entire stadium who jumped up cheering with my arms in the air... was quite embarrasing :)
It was dickov ... and no i didn't go, i listened to the game on the radio :-p[/quote]

i apolagise my mistake Browny set Dickov up, well remembered pal
I don't think i'll ever be able to call COMS home, i'd move back to Maine Road in a fuckin heartbeat! Parkside and Sherwood were both good matchday boozers. 6 or 7 pints in the Parkside then off to the kippax to watch the match! Block P of north stand was a quality atmosphere when it got going aswell, great great memories.
I miss maine road a lot.... I remember my first game sat in the main stand, then after that being stood in the kippax, 2 nil up against United thinking I love this. Only for them to win 2-3. North stand days 98/99/2000 were my most enjoyable. Made some really good friends, and times Ill never forget.
Whitterz said:
I miss maine road a lot.... I remember my first game sat in the main stand, then after that being stood in the kippax, 2 nil up against United thinking I love this. Only for them to win 2-3. North stand days 98/99/2000 were my most enjoyable. Made some really good friends, and times Ill never forget.

the North Stand from 98 til the end were unbelievable if only the rest of the stadium cudda matched that atmosphere it would have been one hell of a noisy ground quality
So many memories from maine road, my uncle john was lanlord in the late 60s early 70s of the osbourne, also remember walking down dog shit alley for night matches and we played dodge the turd, my dad and uncle used to stand at the first white tunnel in the kippax, he'd send us down to the fence and we had to be back for the last 5 mins, so me and me cousin were free to roam the kippax, so many characters in there, the old bloke who wore head to toe city gear with loads of badges, loved half times too, sliding down the grass behind the kippax into all the pints on the wall and kicking them off, we were little bastards come to think of it. Ran on the pitch against wigan and nicked weavers gloves, went to fridays didsbury on the way home with the gloves on, we had to give them back after weaver pleaded for his lucky gloves back and we'd been flaunting them around our six form, happy days....fucking loved that place to bits.
Whitterz said:
PS - Just watched that Last days of Maine road Video. Brought a tear to my eye :(

i took a camcorder to last game at maine road- which i felt like a bit of a knob doing- but i'm so glad i did- got the last walk up Claremont road with my dad- build up to game and some of the game- like, a tiny bit (lets face it- the game didn't match the occassion!) then got me and my mate walking round main stand bars/stairwells ( i was kippax but coz i wanted to take my dad could only get in main) captured it in all it's shabby glory- then legged it over to kippax where my mum and sister were in an exec box- so blagged it in there and got loads of footage there. it's brilliant to have it and have personal memories recorded- and yes, i'd go back there in a flash.
Mothball said:
bowdonblue said:
Sitting in the North Stand when we beat Charlton 5-1, and in the same stand watching our first ever Sky TV game (was it THE first ever?) against QPR I think.

It was the 1st ever Monday Night live Sky game if memory serves,i was stood on the Kippax 1-1 i think the score was

it was. i was sat in main stand and they had all this razzmatazz nonesense going on- cheerleaders and sky divers. they must have kicked a load of balls into the crowd and i caught one and was well chuffed until someone- must've been a steward went looking for it and some snivelling little shit pointed me out and grassed on me and i had to give it back.

such a great thing to have so many memories from there though. CoMS will never feel like home. you never hear 'south stand south stand or kippax kippax give us a song' anymore coz it has no sense of identity.
really all the stands blend into one- and yes, i know it's aesthetically pleasing and that towards the end MR stands were a real mish mash and pretty crap- but they were individual stands giving the people that sat in them a sense of belonging - hence the 'rivalry' between stands.

moving ground rips the heart out of the club- and i know we moved from hyde road and moved before that- but we weren't at any of the previous grounds as long as 80 years.

to me we will always be City from Maine Road.

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