'Man City can't buy history'

BrianW said:
This is a consolation tale for losers along with:

'The Sheikh (or more usually "The Arabs") will get fed up next week and walk away, leaving them to go bankrupt.'

'Their players are all mercenaries who don't give a shit about City, whereas ours wanted to play for United/Liverpool/Arsenal/Spurs/delete as applicable.'

'Money doesn't buy you success.' (Which is why Bury are in the Champions League I suppose.)

'Their team won't gell -too many big egos.'

'They might have a chance, except Mancini is a shit manager.'

'FFP will fuck them up.'

One day I will meet an opposition fan with an original idea in his head, but I ain't holding my breath.

That pretty much covers it...it`s just great that the jealous twats
are wrong on all counts

Bluemoonbaldboy said:
Love it when rags come out with the good old history nugget. History is a story of the past.

That said historical fact we won a major honour before they did.....oh wait sorry I forgot football didn't exist till '1992-'1993
^^this. beckham is a prick. fuck him.
Beckham is literally a moron, the old ''history'' insult is the last remaing straw to be clutched at. United won the league last season, but we're closing the gap, we won a trophy, beating them along the way and hopefully we'll be challenging again this year. We haven't had success for a long time, that doesn't mean we won't in the future, City is one of the most exciting developments in world football and only a fool would right us off lightly.

The irony of a cockney living in LA talking about ''one team in Manchester'' would be lost on him if someone took the time to show him the error of his ways. He nows plays in a league with other heavyweights such as Juan Pablo Angel, Teemu Tainio and Caleb Folan...

Beckham stopped being relevant years ago, he's a media whore with the morals of an alley cat (funny how the media never mention Rebecca Loos, only what a great ''family man'' he is) Obviously I hope City beat LA Galaxy but an added bonus would be if one of our players gives Beckham the booting he deserves. Unfortunaltey they'll probably be really respectful and say what a nice guy he is.
There's more historical oddities and occurancies in Citys past than there are in Uniteds , Liverpools and Evertons put together!

If any club has history , it's this one!

And Maine Road had more 'history' than any of the grounds that those clubs play at.
Why are we worried what a 1 brain cell cockney rag who names his kids Brooklyn Romeo Cruz and Harpic Seven thinks about the History of our club which he obviously knows sod all about, somebody should explain to him that in football terms he's now history.

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