Man killed by his own XL Bully

The annoying thing about some dog owners ( Not all ) is they assume everybody else is comfortable around dogs. Like you I steer clear of them, but there's always some twat has them off the lead, or let's them pull right up to you even though they can see you're backing away and obviously uncomfortable. I don't think ant to hear, "Oh he won't hurt you he's dead soft" Just keep the fucker away.

The classic "It's only a baby" as it bounds towards you with murder in its fucking eyes;-)
The classic "It's only a baby" as it bounds towards you with murder in its fucking eyes;-)
I took a friend's Rottweiler for a walk a few times. It's actually quite funny seeing the fear in people in front of you. (but wrong ;) You suddenly feel powerful!
The annoying thing about some dog owners ( Not all ) is they assume everybody else is comfortable around dogs. Like you I steer clear of them, but there's always some twat has them off the lead, or let's them pull right up to you even though they can see you're backing away and obviously uncomfortable. I don't want to hear, "Oh he won't hurt you he's dead soft" Just keep the fucker away.
Fucking top post.

I was out with my ex and our three kids 10-15 years ago and was sick to death of this type of shite they come out with.

We were walking in the country when this fucking thing bounded over, leaping up at me and sniffing my crotch.

Sure enough, a couple on their own casually strolled over and the bloke said "He won't hurt you, he likes you!" as if I should be fucking honoured.

I replied with "I like your missus but if I bounded over to her, sniffed her fanny, leapt up and licked her face, you wouldn't like it would you?"
Fucking top post.

I was out with my ex and our three kids 10-15 years ago and was sick to death of this type of shite they come out with.

We were walking in the country when this fucking thing bounded over, leaping up at me and sniffing my crotch.

Sure enough, a couple on their own casually strolled over and the bloke said "He won't hurt you, he likes you!" as if I should be fucking honoured.

I replied with "I like your missus but if I bounded over to her, sniffed her fanny, leapt up and licked her face, you wouldn't like it would you?"
They could be doggers. You would have had to go through with it.
I took a friend's Rottweiler for a walk a few times. It's actually quite funny seeing the fear in people in front of you. (but wrong ;) You suddenly feel powerful!

Explains why some people have big Dogs, bit weird I have never felt unsafe around Rottweilers at all when they are on a lead outside or running around with their owner in a park, there really is something about these XL bully Dogs I can't get my head around though.

I can look after myself considering my age but one of those would kill me fairly easily I reckon.
I remember years ago a buddy of mine getting home and his two staffs had gotten into it. One was dead, the other had to be put down, his house was wrecked, blood and hair everywhere

Yet there are a lot of staffie owners who would tell you that these Dogs are loyal kind and good with children, the statistics however are a bit on the damning side.

A quick google comes up with 45% of all Dog attacks attributed to Staffies, calling a Dog that size Denis or Marg and personalising it doesn't make it any less dangerous and the gen pop don't know if you're a good owner or not.
Fucking top post.

I was out with my ex and our three kids 10-15 years ago and was sick to death of this type of shite they come out with.

We were walking in the country when this fucking thing bounded over, leaping up at me and sniffing my crotch.

Sure enough, a couple on their own casually strolled over and the bloke said "He won't hurt you, he likes you!" as if I should be fucking honoured.

I replied with "I like your missus but if I bounded over to her, sniffed her fanny, leapt up and licked her face, you wouldn't like it would you?"

I like animals and my sister had a doberman for ten years which was really soft but even then I gave it a wide berth. Strangers dogs no way I'm going near them.

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