Manchester City V Aston Villa pre match thread

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Pam said:
paulsimpson said:
The players will know that even as a worst case scenario they have cushion of a draw and that's going to make them less nervous IMO . They will have nerves of course but that's healthy and normal in this game . Plus, they know that they have the ability to do this . Now lets just believe in them to get it done tomorrow evening .

I agree. And Villa have been known to be a bit on the spineless side sometimes. Come out and fly at the buggers is what I say. Same with the Hammers on Sunday.

Yeah well Pelle isn't certainly going to be all defensive all of a sudden is he ? Expect attacking football from the off .
First goal will be vital, as always.

If Villa take the lead, the tension around the stadium will be unbearable.

Ditto for West Ham game.

I'm hoping that now they are both safe, Villa and West Ham players won't be busting a gut to block every shot, slide-in on every 50-50 ball, etc ...
... but maybe it depends on how many Liverpool fans are in each of their teams !
pikku said:
I am not at all feeling confident now that Aguero is out.......:((((((

Why not? Sergio is a God but we can win quite comfortably without him as we have been doing when he has been injured, he is not being risked tomorrow but I expect him to play against WH maybe with an Injection or two if required. Dzeko will step up as he has been doing brilliantly in recent games. Don't get me wrong mate, Im shitting myself too but after Palace and Everton, City have demonstrated the desire that was lacking last season and although we will all be losing a few pounds in sweat until we bag the first goal, all will be well in the end, in both games, I want to win the title by at least 2 points, goal difference only in an emergency ;-)
pikku said:
I am not at all feeling confident now that Aguero is out.......:((((((

How the hell have you coped most of the season when he's been on the sick bed?
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