Manchester City vs Liverpool pre-match thread (continued)

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Stoned Rose said:
I reckon Manuel will go:


Zab Kompany MDM Kolarov

Navas Silva Fern Yaya Nasri


(If Kompany is out, he'll put Lescott there)

Good enough to 'control' the game, width width width and very counter attack minded.

i'd like to see milner in tomo, as for them there back four dont look to solid with flanagan left back maybe we should be looking at getting down the right
marco said:
Stoned Rose said:
I reckon Manuel will go:


Zab Kompany MDM Kolarov

Navas Silva Fern Yaya Nasri


(If Kompany is out, he'll put Lescott there)

Good enough to 'control' the game, width width width and very counter attack minded.

i'd like to see milner in tomo, as for them there back four dont look to solid with flanagan left back maybe we should be looking at getting down the right

Hence Navas.

Navas will dry bum Flanagan and has to start imo.
Yes this is a big game but it's nowhere near as big as the game vs Utd at the Etihad in 2012. MOTD even put a special show on for that one game.

Some perspective is needed. This City team went and won at Bayern Munich (without VK I might add). We are more than capable of getting a win or draw at Lpool. Come on City!
anybody know where I can watch this game online, after the game has been played... I have to do community service all day tomorrow and was planning on watching the game when I got back.
I agree with this to be honest, if we don't play three in midfield and add Garcia to play holding midfield I fear we could be got at too easily.

DIETMAR HAMANN: Pellegrini's selection will be decisive... if he plays Toure and Fernandinho, Liverpool could expose City

By Dietmar Hamann
23:43 12 Apr 2014, updated 00:16 13 Apr 2014
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Dietmar Hamann, who played for both sides, looks ahead to Manchester City's pivotal visit to Liverpool in the Premier League on Sunday.

Holding back the years

I played with Steven Gerrard for seven years and never did I expect to see him end up in my position, as a holding midfielder. He just wasn’t the most disciplined — and that position is all about being disciplined and giving the team balance. Often when you were playing with Steven you would think: ‘Where’s he going? What’s he doing there?’ A couple of minutes later he would be beating someone down the wing to set up a goal. It’s why Rafa Benitez used him wide on the right, or off the front man, to get the best out of him.

As good as ever: Steven Gerrard has thrived in a deeper holding role with Liverpool this season
So I had my reservations when Brendan Rodgers started playing him in the more defensive role. He’s been a revelation partly because he’s older now and understands the position. But also because he probably feels he can trust the players in front of him. He knows they’re going to create chances and score goals so he can concentrate on providing the defensive balance.

The Achilles Heel

That midfield formation is definitely Manchester City’s Achilles heel. I think that Manuel Pellegrini has been a bit naïve at times, playing with two forwards and Fernandinho and Yaya Toure in midfield. It was most notable in the 3-1 home defeat by Bayern Munich. It may work against a lot of Premier League teams but when you’re up against the best teams, you’re exposed. You need that extra man midfield. Because of the injury to Sergio Aguero, they have had David Silva playing off the front man, which is a bit better. But if you have Javi Garcia playing alongside Fernandinho and then Toure in front of them, you have an outstanding and balanced midfield. That way, Yaya is set up to help the team rather than the other way round.

Naive? Manchester City can be exposed when Yaya Toure and Fernandinho play together
The third man

Everyone knows about Luis Suarez and Daniel Sturridge but the player who perhaps hasn’t had as much credit this season is Raheem Sterling. He’s been absolutely fantastic recently, both scoring and setting up goals. His eye for a pass for a winger is outstanding. He has thrived under Brendan Rodgers’ management — remember he took him out of the team last year then nurtured him back in. He’s not the traditional type of English winger, instead playing right, left or down the middle, like all the best modern attacking players. Now it’s really important how he develops. Joe Cole is perhaps the last player England had like this and you don’t want to restrict their freedom — or else you can lose what is good about them. Fortunately, under Rodgers that will never happen.

Three wise men: Raheem Sterling (right) has shone alongside Luis Suarez and Daniel Sturridge
The 'liability'

I know that people were upset when I said that Yaya Toure could sometimes be a liability for Manchester City. But I think they misunderstood the point. Of course he is a fantastic player, one of the best. But at the moment I think Manchester City are set up to get the best out of Yaya rather than the other way around. Even though he played defensive midfield at Barcelona, it’s not his natural position. Like the younger Steven Gerrard, he wants to get forward. And Fernandinho is too similar — and that leaves you too much free space in central midfield. There are gaps between the defensive line and the midfielders — and it is in that space between those lines that good teams can get into and cause problems. When I did my analysis on Match of the Day, City were playing Swansea and you could see that Wilfried Bony had a couple of glorious opportunities.

Manchester City can leave too much space in midfield
The verdict

Manuel’s Pellegrini’s selection could be decisive. If they do start with Fernandinho and Toure in midfield, with Samir Nasri, Silva and Jesus Navas in front, Liverpool will expose them. If Swansea could find gaps in behind them, imagine what it will be like with Suarez, Sturridge and Sterling in that space? With those players running at you, five times out of 10 they will go straight past you because of their pace.

Obviously Aguero could have a huge role — if he is fit. But he was injured at the end of January, tried to come back for a few games and then aggravated the hamstring again. After best part of two months out, he is unlikely to be at his best.

If Pellegrini does go with Toure and Fernandinho together in midfield, I would make Liverpool favourites — and as such, favourites finally to end the 24-year wait to win the title. But if he goes more defensive with Garcia, it’s easy to see to City getting a result.
Just over 9 hrs to go and I can tell you this I won't be able to sleep tonight. My stomachs all churned up with excitement and dread but I wouldn't have it any other way. What a game we have on our hands. Unfortunately I won't be there to see it live but I'll be cheering on the boys over here.

To all those lucky blues going to the game sing loud and proud and drive the lads on to victory.

"City....Manchester City we are the boys who are playing to win....."
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