Manchester United Trying To Poach 4 of Our Scouts

You only leave your job for two reasons. Either you are unhappy or you are offered more money.

If they are unhappy, they should leave. If they want more money, we should be paying them the market rate i.e. what they are worth, and if another club is prepared to ay 50% more, they are worth 50% more and we should pay it.

It's ****ing peanuts in the scheme of things, but more importantly it shows the scum across town, we are not to be messed with. If our scouts are indeed important to our success (or the rags') why on earth would we jeopardise that for a few thousand pounds A YEAR???

Just give them a 50% pay rise LOL. They'll be paid well and are working for a great company. If they want to fuck off then so be it.
Sometimes it's not always about the money.
Is a 50% rise ( less tax etc. ) worth it to go & work with a nest of vipers ?
It's not the scouts they need. It's a world class training facility with top class coaches and the promise of a first rate education at one of Manchester's best schools, an education the club continues to pay for even if the player is deemed not up to scratch.
As usual Ed Woodward is proving himself to be an utter fucking cretin when it comes to running a football club. They should have kept him where he excelled, getting new noodle partners.

Spot on. As for these scouts in question, I'd be amazed if anyone left us for the rags. We're in better position in every aspect as a club.
You only leave your job for two reasons. Either you are unhappy or you are offered more money.

If they are unhappy, they should leave. If they want more money, we should be paying them the market rate i.e. what they are worth, and if another club is prepared to ay 50% more, they are worth 50% more and we should pay it.

It's ****ing peanuts in the scheme of things, but more importantly it shows the scum across town, we are not to be messed with. If our scouts are indeed important to our success (or the rags') why on earth would we jeopardise that for a few thousand pounds A YEAR???
So that's why Roooooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeeeey, Imabignosedbitch, and Pogbad are paid £300K per week. That's what they're worth. Pity no other club thought so. Market forces at work, eh?

What is a scout paid? £40k a year maybe? So pay them a bit more FFS.

Talking about Rooney on £300k per WEEK is irrelevant and meaningless.

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I'm sure if they are potentially going to go for a pay rise if they are performing city will offer them a rise also.
This is business, and this is their jobs and lively hood.

I had to engineer a payrise in my last job. They wouldn't give me one voluntarily so I applied for a new job, was offered it and it was only then they stumped up. It's nothing personal and it wasn't a slight on my old work. I see this is a similar situation. I have no ill feelings towards the scouts that may have had their heads turned. It's up to us to turn them back if we want them.

Edit.. Forgot to say. Fuck United though. This reeks of desperation and is massively satisfying from my point of view.
its costing them a fortune to keep up with city ,it better pay of or they will end up like leeds
What is a scout paid? £40k a year maybe? So pay them a bit more FFS.

Talking about Rooney on £300k per WEEK is irrelevant and meaningless.

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I was replying to your previous comment, part of it I highlighted in bold. Just because the rags want, apparently, to pay them 50% more does not mean that they are WORTH 50% more. Other clubs have not come in to offer them the same deal, and our club will be paying them what they consider the correct remuneration for the job they do. Your comment above says "so pay them a bit more". Do you seriously think "a bit more" amounts to 50%? If so, have a word with your boss about "a bit more".

The comparison with their players wages merely amplifies my point, and is anything but "irrelevant and meaningless". To try and catch up with our club, the rags are paying wages to these players which are totally disproportionate to both their value and their worth, and are far more than our club pays to players of a higher quality. It is the culture of that club to try and always be the "biggest and the best", and they will go to any lengths to try to achieve it. Sadly for them, they have been overtaken by their Manchester rivals, and they are desperate. The only way they know how to compete is to throw money at it.

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