Mancini blames Hart for defeat

SWP's back said:
I thought it a pertinent point seeing as it was in the privacy of the dressing room where he had a go (rightly so) at Hart, who was beaten by a ball 2 feet to the left of where he started before moving to his left after removing Tevez. If he had lambasted Hart in public, then your point would have stood.

If you think he was right to have a go at Hart that's your business. However Mancini hung Balo, Tevez, and Nasri out to dry in the press conference after Sunday's match. That's not befitting of the manager of a big club, primarily because Mancini does it all the fucking time.

The second part is conjecture and is certainly not what I hear. I hear all respect him and a few don't like him. But all Mancini cares about is being respected and they do that.

I'd be very surprised if there's even one player in that dressing room who respects Mancini. People rarely respect those who don't respect them back.
Didsbury Dave said:
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
There's no doubt that's the case and I wouldn't expect anything different from a pro like LEscott. But there have been times recently he hasn't even made the squad, that's what I'm referring to.

For me this has got nothing to do with team selection. Mancini should be free to pick who he wants when he wants, that's his job. I think all the players respect that. The problem is the continual public battering of players by Mancini, and his incredibly volatile nature when things go tits up.

If I were Lescott, Hart, and Richards, I'd have absolutely no respect for Mancini for the things he's said after games this season.

I'm with you 100% Billy. I fucking hate it. I don't think there should ever be a time when a manager publicly criticises a player. Keep that shit in house. Say what you want behind closed doors but don't go berating players in front of the media. It achieves nothing, especially when it's a player who has given you 100% wekk in week out. It also alienates the rest of his team mates.

Que Soriano & Tixi... perfect situation being brewed for them to recruit you know who and probably why none of the actual talked about summer targets were purchased.
BlueDejong said:

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... nited.html</a>

Mancini is melt down.
same story just different papers.<br /><br />-- Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:42 am --<br /><br />
BillyShears said:
SWP's back said:
I thought it a pertinent point seeing as it was in the privacy of the dressing room where he had a go (rightly so) at Hart, who was beaten by a ball 2 feet to the left of where he started before moving to his left after removing Tevez. If he had lambasted Hart in public, then your point would have stood.

If you think he was right to have a go at Hart that's your business. However Mancini hung Balo, Tevez, and Nasri out to dry in the press conference after Sunday's match. That's not befitting of the manager of a big club, primarily because Mancini does it all the fucking time.

The second part is conjecture and is certainly not what I hear. I hear all respect him and a few don't like him. But all Mancini cares about is being respected and they do that.

I'd be very surprised if there's even one player in that dressing room who respects Mancini. People rarely respect those who don't respect them back.
Well it is directly from one you say should be hating him.
Didsbury Dave said:
Noone has suggested he's "lost the dressing room". But the weekend's leak illustrates fairly clearly that he's pissed a few of them off. And even his hardiest supporter will acknowledge it would be far from the first time. If he's doing that and we are top of the league and flying, then players are going to keep their heads down and just mutter in private. But if results suddenly go awry, the rumour mill starts up about his replacement, then the players can sometimes realise that they can give a little nudge. And they do.

They don't have to go out and not perform every week, but they can sneak a few things in the public domain which ramp up the pressure further. It's always happened and always will. Like it or not, in the modern game players have power.

But the fundamental point is simpler. To manage a group of well paid, headstrong professionals in any sport, you have to ultimately have them "On-side". They have to believe in you and trust you or you underperform as a unit. You don't have to be their best pal, far from it, but you have to have a communal level of respect.

Ends justify the means IMO. If he can't get us playing well consistently then he'll ultimately lose his job. But it's up to him how he does that, he'll live or die by his methods and they've proven successful so far despite all the stories about him pissing off the players.

If he's had a go at Hart in the dressing room I can't see the problem, it's his right as a manager. If Hart had a go back I don't see the problem, I think Mancini encourages that sort of stuff.
Damocles said:
People are actually arguing over a hypothetical which all concerned agreed probably didn't happen.

I see the usual suspects turn up and the story has now turned into the presumably true.
moomba said:
Didsbury Dave said:
Noone has suggested he's "lost the dressing room". But the weekend's leak illustrates fairly clearly that he's pissed a few of them off. And even his hardiest supporter will acknowledge it would be far from the first time. If he's doing that and we are top of the league and flying, then players are going to keep their heads down and just mutter in private. But if results suddenly go awry, the rumour mill starts up about his replacement, then the players can sometimes realise that they can give a little nudge. And they do.

They don't have to go out and not perform every week, but they can sneak a few things in the public domain which ramp up the pressure further. It's always happened and always will. Like it or not, in the modern game players have power.

But the fundamental point is simpler. To manage a group of well paid, headstrong professionals in any sport, you have to ultimately have them "On-side". They have to believe in you and trust you or you underperform as a unit. You don't have to be their best pal, far from it, but you have to have a communal level of respect.

Ends justify the means IMO. If he can't get us playing well consistently then he'll ultimately lose his job. But it's up to him how he does that, he'll live or die by his methods and they've proven successful so far despite all the stories about him pissing off the players.

The ends have justified the means so far overall, but the point about that combatitive approach is that it leaves you wide open as soon as things start to go wrong. Players can and do get managers the sack.
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
People are actually arguing over a hypothetical which all concerned agreed probably didn't happen.

I see the usual suspects turn up and the story has now turned into the presumably true.

It is true as I've checked it this morning.
BillyShears said:
Damocles said:
Damocles said:
People are actually arguing over a hypothetical which all concerned agreed probably didn't happen.

I see the usual suspects turn up and the story has now turned into the presumably true.

It is true as I've checked it this morning.

Of course it's fucking true. Only a clown would deny it after this morning's reports.
Didsbury Dave said:
The ends have justified the means so far overall, but the point about that combatitive approach is that it leaves you wide open as soon as things start to go wrong. Players can and do get managers the sack.

Only if you have a board that gives players that power. Chelsea does, and it's to the detriment of their club. We could have headed that way a few times since the takeover and the board have been pretty consistent in backing the manager against malcontents.

And as far as I'm concerned players that get managers the sack aren't the type of people we need at the club.
Interesting 'Story'
Let's just pretend it's true.
When I played football as a younger man I was a goalie and when it came to free kicks our manager always said one thing...never get beaten on your side of the wall.
A combination of poor wall set up and positioning in my opinion cost us the game
(never mind the comedy of errors leading up to it)
Mancini if we are to believe him saw this and could not get instruction through to keep Tevez in the wall. If it is true then he had every right to be pissed off. Big game for us ( and them...see Their Celebrations) and a possible momentum swing to us thrown away. If he as the manager thinks that Hart, Tevez and Nasri fucked up then he has every right to say so. I am sure with his style of management players are ok to give it back too. He has said as much about his relationship with Tevez.
So, in my opinion, even if the story is true, it's a non story. Just another day at the office.

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