Mancini blames Hart for defeat

Didsbury Dave said:
moomba said:
Didsbury Dave said:
correct. And performances this year have been sub standard. So if there isn't a big improvement in the second half of the season he certainly will carry the can for it. Maybe even before if we have a bad christmas.

Depends whether you want to sack a manager on the basis of a few months of just OK performances, or are prepared to take a longer term view of things.

Given he was considered the right man for the club four months ago I doubt anything has happened to change that in the last few months.
well what's happened in the last four months has been another European failure and a slump in league form. Throw in new men at the top, some thinly veiled criticism of ADUG, and don't forget the availability of two managers with an obvious link. Support amongst the fans is waning too.

I think plenty has happened which had weakened Mancini.

It's still 4 months. I suspect support amongst the fans isn't waning as much as you think either.
BillyShears said:
moomba said:
I'm looking forward to the next time you have a moan about the nasty posters on here throwing out insults instead of discussing issues.

If you find what I posted insulting I suggest you thicken that skin of yours up. I kick up a fuss when I get called a jonny come lately plastic **** who should go support Chelsea. Not when someone says they find my posts tedious and boring. Particularly if i'm making anodyne comments like "every dressing room has unhappy players".

No need for you to worry about my skin. I've found it amusing rather than insulting.

Things aren't that black and white. I could argue then that had Aguero not scored the winner against QPR, then ends wouldn't have justified the means and therefore Mancini had to carry the can. The fact is that the bigger picture is what I allude to when I say three years of leaked stories of dressing room discontent point to a wider issue. Because when it happens with regularity, at the same club, about the same manager, that does point to a wider issue which should be considered when considering the manager's future.

Aguero did score the winner though and we are champions. And the dressing room can be as unhappy as they like, so long as we achieve success on the pitch leaks to the press don't mean shit.

In fact the only consequence should be to the person speaking to the press.
Didsbury Dave said:
stonerblue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
The most interesting part of this story is the fact that one of the players leaked it for a reason.

An unsubstantiated 'story' without any sources from the sun gets a fuckin 30 page thread.
If you know that a player 'leaked' this stuff then youmust know which player it is?
the story was lead story in the times, independent and guardian, and we havent heard a peep from city.

There's no doubt it happened. None.

I don't read the Times (cause I'm tight) but I do see plenty of silly made up crap in the Guardian and the Indy, these rag hacks are all pissing in the same pot.
Skashion said:
stonerblue said:
there is in my head.
I can believe it as Mancini has a temper to put it mildly, but it doesn't mean it happened.

So what if it did happen? The manager has every right to lambast the players in the dressing room after a game if he sees fit.

There is actually not a story here.
Shirley said:
Didsbury Dave said:
stonerblue said:
An unsubstantiated 'story' without any sources from the sun gets a fuckin 30 page thread.
If you know that a player 'leaked' this stuff then youmust know which player it is?
the story was lead story in the times, independent and guardian, and we havent heard a peep from city.

There's no doubt it happened. None.

I don't read the Times (cause I'm tight) but I do see plenty of silly made up crap in the Guardian and the Indy, these rag hacks are all pissing in the same pot.
when three of the most senior broadsheet sports journos in Britain write the same story, and you don't hear a peep of a response from city, then you would be crackers not to take the story on face value. They probably all have the same source, but they wouldn't splash like that without it being verified.
jay_mcfc said:
So what if it did happen? The manager has every right to lambast the players in the dressing room after a game if he sees fit.

There is actually not a story here.
There is IF a player leaked it. Could be someone like Lescott. Getting rid of Lescott wouldn't be too painful. He was outstanding last season and is probably the reason we're so weak from set pieces at the moment but long-term, he's obviously not needed.
WNRH said:
Chippy_boy said:
Didsbury Dave said:
I'm with you 100% Billy. I fucking hate it. I don't think there should ever be a time when a manager publicly criticises a player. Keep that shit in house. Say what you want behind closed doors but don't go berating players in front of the media. It achieves nothing, especially when it's a player who has given you 100% wekk in week out. It also alienates the rest of his team mates.

Contrast Mourinho. In all his time at Chelsea, not once did I hear him saying that his players were anything other than magnificent. No matter what the result or the performance, in public he always praised them. And in return, they would walk through fire for him.

Until the point they revolted and got him sacked.

I don't quite remember it like that.

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