Mancini Breaking News

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Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
apparently brian kidd is taking over for the final two games acoording to the daily mail

Yeah and Pellithingy is coming in for 2 seasons and then Pep, he will do 5 seasons in which time we win The Senior Cup. Then Mourinho reappears after a breakdown and we sign Messi
i love bobby for what he has done, but we are to easy to play against sometimes, our only width comes from 4 fullbacks that can't cross the ball.

Teams make the defence compact so we can't pass through the middle, and we look clueless

Not sure why the tactics seem to chaneg this year, and why he had a hardon for 3-5-2 preseason which seem to fuck all the preseason preparations up
Matty said:
My take on all this is that it is probably the right time for City and Mancini to part ways. I am not convinced he is the man to improve our performances for next season, and he seems to have lost the support and the confidence of both the board and the players. However I remain to be convinced that Pellegrini is the right man to do that. He hasn't really got a record of winning trophies, in Europe at least, and at 59 he's hardly a young manager yet to prove himself on that front. His record in Europe with Malaga and Villarreal is admirable, and a similar run would be much welcomed at City, but winning the title back should be priority number one.

That pretty much sums up the way I feel. I been sitting on the fence but reports that Mancini alienates those around him is a huge worry for me. If he was getting results it wouldn't matter, but the performances this season have been insipid. Even forgetting the terrible performances in Europe, we should be beating Wigan every time we play them. They wanted it more than us and that is unacceptable.
oakiecokie said:
lordloverocket said:
All ov a sudden weve got football experts saying how good pelligrinni is, come on giv your fuckin heads a wobble the has a shit cv and has won fuck all so dont start making out hes the new special one! The clubs made a rite fuck up we all ended up goin to wembley to watch a team that had been told the manager was leaving, why do that before a cup final fukin dogshit city whoever is involved.

Anyone who writes shit like that needs not to be taken seriously.
Why are fukin expert in world football?? Its a shit decision before a cup final dont giv a fuck wot u say.
BlueHalli said:
Ffs! Can we start an actual 'Mancini breaking news' thread without pages and pages of shite! . I dont give a toss what people think we should and shouldn't do! There is another thread for that . Lets start one with actual facts on what is happening .

Kick it off then and give us some facts? There isn't any yet
Balti said:
all this bollox about being a prickly character well look across town and see that it didn't stop baconface bringing in a record haul and even that twat had barren seasons

and finally if it's a choice between the manager and someone like Marwood because they can't work together then bin fricking Marwood and find someone else who can

Mancini is almost universally loathed behind the scenes at City. Ferguson almost universally loved and revered.

Does make me laugh that you're are still having a go at Marwood. Again, for someone who's so incompetent it was obvious at Wembley where his place at City is and where he stands within City's hierarchy.
lordloverocket said:
All ov a sudden weve got football experts saying how good pelligrinni is, come on giv your fuckin heads a wobble the has a shit cv and has won fuck all so dont start making out hes the new special one! The clubs made a rite fuck up we all ended up goin to wembley to watch a team that had been told the manager was leaving, why do that before a cup final fukin dogshit city whoever is involved.

All of a sudden we've got football experts saying how shit pellegrini is, come on give your fucking heads a wobble. If you don't know anything about football, don't comment on it. simple really.
the goats backside said:
Cheadle_hulmeBlue said:
apparently brian kidd is taking over for the final two games acoording to the daily mail

Yeah and Pellithingy is coming in for 2 seasons and then Pep, he will do 5 seasons in which time we win The Senior Cup. Then Mourinho reappears after a breakdown and we sign Messi

Fuck all that Brendan Rodgers is coming :-)
lordloverocket said:
oakiecokie said:
lordloverocket said:
All ov a sudden weve got football experts saying how good pelligrinni is, come on giv your fuckin heads a wobble the has a shit cv and has won fuck all so dont start making out hes the new special one! The clubs made a rite fuck up we all ended up goin to wembley to watch a team that had been told the manager was leaving, why do that before a cup final fukin dogshit city whoever is involved.

Anyone who writes shit like that needs not to be taken seriously.
Why are fukin expert in world football?? Its a shit decision before a cup final dont giv a fuck wot u say.

I`m talking about your fucking stupid text type wording.
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